>> Past teaching eval.

Anonymous feedback comments from students

(lightly edited to ensure the sentences are clear. Typos are kept as in original)

    • Advanced Macroeconomics (MA level)
      • I think instructor was wonderful and helpful with all questions (from most recent 2017Spr. survey)
      • Instructor was so helpful and solve all homework questions in class.(from most recent 2017Spr. survey)
      • It was helpful for future learning and some questions was critically thinking which developed more discussion in class.(from most recent 2017Spr. survey)
      • He knows the material and isn't afraid to be challenging
    • I learned critical problems about Macroeconomics.
    • Instructor was always outgoing and enthusiastic. He is a very approachable individual and very knowledgeable about the class topics
    • Interactive and informative
    • The instructor was articulate and could respond clearly to any spontaneous questions from the class
    • Tons of information and genius teacher. Very nice guy but most HW and tests are super duper complex. Dr. Y is very gentle and lovely person to talk and very very cooperative. ODU needs many instructors like him.
    • Well organized slides and good explanation of the material.
    • The homework questions were very challenging, but once we learned how to do them the correct way they were really insightful, and ultimately helped me to not just memorize, but actually know the processes.
    • He is so cool and brilliant. He is so gentle and respectful to students.
    • He is very enthusiastic!
    • (I liked) His willingness to meet students via skype or other methods
    • Professor Yagihashi is very down to earth and enthusiastic. He was very helpful during the semester, and very quick replying to emails.
    • I have an ambition of pursuing a Phd in Economics in a few years to come and having, at least, some basic knowledge of macroeconomic models is a great step towards achieving that. I found the models taught in class very interesting and very relevant to what transpire in the reral world. The models also broadened my understanding on current discussions on economic issues. If there was anything that made me think critically, then it must be the purely mathematical nature of the course. Doing the math was one thing but explaining the intuition behind the math required a lot of critical thinking, and despite the fact that it, sometimes, took me hours to grab the intuition, I now have the feeling that my critical thinking is at a level much higher than it was prior to me taking this class.
    • The instructor of this class is very brilliant. He showed us how to logically think about the topics from different perspectives. He also told us some job background information in this field. He even did a lot of activities in the class to inspire our mind and enhance our practical skills required by relevant jobs.
    • The questions always entailed an intuitive component.
    • Working on presentation project and term paper helped me digesting the material
    • ...
    • Global / Applied Macroeconomics (MBA level)
    • He used real world examples to explain the concepts
    • he was willing to do skype calls for those of us that couldn’t visit him during his office hours.
    • Homeworks were difficult but extremely helpful in preparing for the exams
    • Takeshi is very enthusiastic about the subject and knows how to break it down for non-Econ types.
    • The instructor encourages students’ participation in class a lot.
    • This was one of the most favorite classes in the program
    • Instructor discussed current economic situation and news
    • Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (Econ majors BA/BS)
    • I have truly enjoyed coming this class
    • He worked with me when I got behind
    • His lecture were very informative while still relating the material to current events. He was comical and very easy to talk to.
    • I enjoyed his enthusiasm and passion for economics
    • Our class was serious but also friendly and easy to ask questions. Dr. Yagihashi was also available on extended office hours.
    • The group assignments and projects required the most out of us.
    • The application of the materials was the most helpful with critical thinking
      • The powerpoints were all posted at the beginning of the semester and had blank spots in them for us to fill in during lecture. I liked that he instructed us with group work, individual presentations, and a group final paper. It was nice to have the option to work with others and learn together.
    • He is a very kind man, very helpful. I enjoyed the group projects because it exposed me to more information and allowed collaboration with my peers
    • I liked the fact that the instructor was available for help/questions outside the class
    • Made sure we understood everything before we moved on
    • My instructor was incredibly enthusiastic about the material and was happy to answer questions many of us had about the real world and the material itself
    • I enjoyed the semester term project that was assigned. I learned a lot about wage rates and how different variables affect them
    • The lectures and general discussion of the content helped facilitate my learning
    • I don’t think much could be done to make the course an even better learning experience
    • Broke down the information into layman’s terms. Applied theories to reality
    • I like the real life examples of how macroeconomics fits into real life.
    • I really like the atmosphere of the class. I often find lecture classes very boring however he kept everyone engaged while still getting all of the necessary information across. I also liked that the class was somewhat difficult however the grading and opportunities for bonus points made the class very reasonable.
    • The subject material was interesting and the instructor was extremely helpful.
    • I really felt like Professor Yagihashi did a great job at extending many of the basic concepts and models from the book and extended them to more “real life” situations that forced you to think critically versus just memorizing information. I also really enjoyed the project and paper that were assigned because they allowed us to use what we learned in class and apply it even further.
    • Professor Yagihashi involves the class through the use of ungraded pop quizzes. These were very useful, as it allows for the students to learn from their mistakes.
    • I really enjoyed the style of the course and how Professor Yagihashi encouraged a lot of class participation and was never critical even though many students had retarded responses. I also felt like the level of homework wasn’t overwhelming however it was enough to test your knowledge and give you a good understanding of what you needed to work on.
  • International Economics (Both for econ majors and non-majors BA/BS)
      • He is very knowledgable about the subject (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • He taught us about recent events in the economy, not just hypothetical stuff (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • He was very enthusiastic about the material (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • (I liked) how well informed Mr. Yagihashi was and how good he was at teaching the class. He went over the material well and was always there for you if you have any questions or need help with the notes in class (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • I enjoyed how excited the professor was about International economics. Always came to class ready to go and in a cheerful mood (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • I liked how relaxed the atmosphere was. My professor was really easy going about the material and didn't overly stress the subject material, he was also willing to re-explain a section if needed (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • Mr. Yagihashi is a great professor overall and very willing to help (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • The instructor provided the current news paper article which were related to the subject matter in the class and applied to what we learned in the class was interesting (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • The international trade section helped me understand our stand in regards to the treaties being discussed nationwide by politicians and market experts (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • The professor was very enthusiastic about the class. The material was interesting (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
      • The instructor was encouraging through out the semester and always willing to help students improve their grades (from most recent 2016 Fall survey)
    • I enjoyed coming to class and actively participating.
    • I think the real world experience he brings to the table benefits the class.
    • Takeshi is a kind person and it is apparent that (he) cares about his students
    • The projects were very interesting to do
    • (What I liked most is) the information, and the clarity of the presentation
    • Graphs were very helpful and helped me think critically.
    • The assigned group project pushed me to critically think in this course. Not only did we have to present the information, but also place an analysis and gather a conclusion from the data presented.
    • The homeworks and quizzes were very helpful in the preparation for the tests. There were many questions that had me thinking for quite a while considering all possibilities of what would happen in a scenario.
    • Principle of Macroeconomics (Both for econ majors and non-majors BA/BS)
      • Mega-class (N>80)
        • The class gave me an overview of how the world economy works which I believe is important in life (from most recent 2016 Spr. survey)
        • The class is about practical application of economics in the world which made critical thinking a must (from most recent 2016 Spr. survey)
        • the Learn Smarts on connect helped me a lot along with the practice questions before each exam (from most recent 2016 Spr. survey)
        • I believe that the professor did everything he could to better his students and make the class a good learning experience
        • He came up with good examples in class that were easy to relate to and comprehend.
        • He is a nice guy
        • He is passionate
        • He seemed friendly and personable
        • He was informative
        • he was very open, and wanted everyone aware that he was available if you needed extra help
        • It was very organized
        • The information was available to followup if missed any information in class. The class was large but the instructor and TA made themselves available and accessible to give it a small class feeling
        • the instructor was nice
        • very informative and interesting
        • Group project went well
        • the learn smart program was a big help, also the review sessions he somethimes held after exams were handy
      • Small-sized class (N<20)
        • He is very knowledgeable and welcomes class participation
        • I liked the group creation on the first day of the semester. Dr. Yagihashi is a great professor. He is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that you have a successful semester.
      • Mid-size class
        • He was very enthusiastic and nice
        • I enjoyed the lectures
        • The powerpoints were helpful
    • Earlier survey obtained from students in City University of New York (2008-2011)
      • Survey Question: "What are the instructor's greatest strength?"
        • Passion / attitude / intelligence
        • Smart guy
        • Explaining what the equations are to the best of his ability to try to let us understand the material
        • Enthusiasm / Knowledge
        • Helpful after class in office and answers emails
        • Knowledge of material, theoretical & practical applications
        • That he is patient, a very good teacher and makes sure you understand, he’s clear
        • Knows the subject matter very well, gets students involved
        • He is very interested in the course material / subject matter
        • Knowledgeable, very nice, genuinely cares about the students, taught each class at a high level
        • Knowledge, patience
        • He wants you to learn the subject. Knowledge of the subject.
        • Great teacher
        • Knowledgeable, willing to teach until material is understood, keeps his office hours
        • Immense knowledge, great lectures, really cares about the students, kept things interesting
        • Knowledge + down to earth
        • If we don’t understand he goes back and explains
        • Open to questions
      • Other comments (optional)
      • He’s the best
      • He’s awesome. Would take another class with him again
      • Great professor
      • Good man
      • Enjoyed this class, learned a lot which can be applied in a work environment. Felt like a real Ivy League class. One of the best teachers I’ve ever had.
      • Excellent professor
      • We need more professors like him
      • Very patient provided many tools to help understand material (such as website, blackboard, etc.)
      • One of the best teachers I’ve had
      • He’s a great teacher!
        • It was good to use Stata

Comments from peers at College of Staten Island (full professors, associate professors)

  • Professor Yagihashi clearly knows his area and has put much effort into communicating it clearly
  • By posing questions, he ensured that students were getting the ideas and able to extrapolate what happens with different assumptions and how particular policies might respond to or reconfigure the terms of the curve
  • Throughout the class, Professor Yagihashi was clear and careful in his discussion, responsive to student questions and answers, and thoughtful in his approach
  • Professor Yagihashi’s style of presentation is very casual yet methodical, introducing (and then reviewing) the material at a measured pace that matches the material and the students’ ability to absorb it, and he found an easy rapport with his students.
  • He continually prodded the students for input and answers, keeping them on their toes.
  • I am certain he will continue to contribute top-quality teaching to the Department and the College of Staten Island for years to come.
  • Professor Yagihashi is a compassionate teacher and is eager to help students improve their knowledge of economics as well as their study skills.
  • He uses all sorts of different activities to enhance the learning experience of students in his macroeconomics class, including homework, quizzes and exams, and special assignments.
  • Overall, Professor Yagihashi makes the challenging material of macroeconomics accessible to students, which is not an easy task.