

-links to class materials (syllabus posted at the bottom of this page)

Lecture notes

Reading materials



Term paper

-useful links

(review material)

-Mankiw textbook website: has free study materials that can be used for review


-Resource for Economists web site : links to data / information that helps in your project

-Penn World Table 9.0: useful data for growth accounting and more

-Gapminder : has relevant data on economic growth

-Economic Data FRED : all sorts of U.S. macro data.

-World Data Bank

-ODU 2013 National Economic Outlook: prepared by our Economic Forecasting team

-GRETL: free software to do some serious time series analysis

(academic papers)

-Google Scholar : search engine for academic papers

(interview manuscripts / movies)

- Nobel Prize Lecture: 1987 Robert Solow;1996 Robert Lucas;1999 Robert Mundell; 2004 Finn Kydland / Ed Prescott; 2006 Edmund Phelps; 2011 Thomas Sargent / Chris Sims

- AEA webcasts: Jason Furman on "Economic issues facing the new president" (2:15-21:15) 2017;

Angus Deaton on "Where in the world is the world headed?" (10:49-28:45) 2017;

(interesting articles)

-Macro needs micro (Fabio Ghironi, 9/11/2017)

-Russ Roberts on economic humility (John Cochrane, 3/3/2017)

-Milton Friedman's cherished theory is laid to rest (Bloomberg, 1/12/2017)

-Are B-school economists different? (Gregory Mankiw, 6/2/2009)