Reading Materials

Comp exam covers the required reading material only

Required reading materials

Mankiw (2006, JEP) : "The Macroeconomist as Scientist and Engineer"

Nordhaus (2007,AER) : "A Review of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change"

Lucas (1980,JMCB) : "Methods and Problems in Business Cycle Theory"

Summers (1991,SJE) : "The Scientific Illusions of Emprical Macroeconomics"

Romer (1999,JEP) : "Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanations"

Extra reading materials

Gollin (2002, JPE): estimates income shares of different countries

Wakker (2008,HE): Explains CRRA utility

Barro (1989,JEP): on Ricardian Equivalence

Ramey (2009, mimeo): defence news shocks identified from media outlet

Rutherford (2002, mimeo): Explains CES functions