
Below are the related reading materials for Fall 2017 course

(reading: general)

-Can the U.S. economy sustain 3.5-4 percent economic growth? (Econofact)

-The productivity slowdown is even more puzzling than you think... (Econofact)

-The budget and the economic outlook: 2017 to 2027 (CBO, Jan.24, 2017, suggested by Annunziato; Darling et al.; Leonard; Oumhand and Santana; Rose)

-An update for the budget and the economic outlook: 2017 to 2027 (CBO, Jun.29, 2017, added on Oct.24), accomp. slides (suggested by Leonard)

-How fast can America grow? (CRFB, May 18, 2017, suggested by MizellTilghman; Taylor and Wharton; Wade and Downing)

-The big question for the U.S. economy: How much room is there to grow? (NYT, Feb.24, 2017, suggested by Taylor and Wharton)

-The future of U.S. economic growth (Thomson Reuters, Sep.9, 2016, suggested by Nairoz)

-The future of US Economic Growth (by Fernald and Jones, published in American Economic Review, 2014, 104(5), pp44-49, suggested by Watts; Youssef)

-Budget and economic data (CBO, links to most recent downloadable data, suggested by Wade and Downing)


(reading: labor market related)

-Projections overview and highlights, 2016-2026 (BLS, Oct.2017, suggested by Baynor)

-Labor force participation: what has happened since the peak? (BLS, Sep.2016, suggested by Rounds)

-The declining labor force participation rate: Causes, consequences, and the path forward (WCEG, Jul.15, 2015, suggested by Rounds)

-What lower labor force participation rates tell us about work opportunities and incentives (AEI, Jul.15, 2015, suggested by Pickford)

-Consumer spending and U.S. employment from the 2007-2009 recession thorugh 2022 (BLS, Oct.2014, suggested by Moore)

-Solutions to get the older long-term unemployed back to work (AEI, Jun.3, 2014, suggested by Pickford)

-The reversal of the employment-population ratio in the 2000's: Facts and explanations (Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2012, suggested by Moore)

(reading: immigration related)

-Immigration and economic growth in the U.S., 2000-2015 (Econofact)

-The new Trump immigration policy is bad for US health (PIIE, Mar.8, 2017)

-Trump calls for 'merit based' immigration system in address to the Congress (CNBC, 2017)

-Beyond the headlines: quantifying the economic contributions of migrants (World Economic Forum, 2017)

-Today's newly-arrived immigrants are the best-educated ever (Pew Research Center, 2015)

-Foreign student dependence (Inside Higher Ed, 2013)

-Low-skilled immigrants: economic burden or boon? (WP, 2013)

-Does immigration reduce wages? (Cato Journal, Fall 2017, suggested by Baynor, Hofmann)

-The effects of immigration on the United States' economy (Wharton, Jun.27, 2016, suggested by Baynor, Wade and Downing; Zagurski)

-The economic impact of US immigration policies in the age of Trump (VOX, Jun.14, 2017, suggested by Nguyen et al.), eBook with full chapters available here

-Foreign-born workers: Labor force characteristics - 2016 (BLS, May 18, 2017, suggested by Baynor)

-Without immigrants, the US economy would be a 'disaster', experts say (ABC News, Feb.16, 2017, suggested by Nguyen et al.)

-Mixing the melting pot: The impact of immigration on labor markets (2017, FRB St.Louis, suggested by Baynor)

-Do illegal immigrants actually hurt the U.S. economy? (NYT, Feb.12, 2013, suggested by MizellTllghman)

-Human capital in a global age (AEI, Jun.8, 2012, suggested by MizellTllghman)


(reading: physical capital related)

-Robotization without taxation? (Project Syndicate, 2017/3/22)

-Automation and anxiety (The Economist, 2017)

-This company replaced 90% of its workforce with machines. Here's what happened (World Economic Forum, 2017)

-How technology is destroying jobs (MIT technology review, 2013)


(reading: human capital related)

-The skills you need to succeed in the digital economy, and how to get them (World Economic Forum, 2017)

-US factory CEOs to Trump: jobs exist; skills don't (WP, 2017)

-U.S. students' academic achievement still lags that of their peers in many other countries (Pew Research Center, 2017)

-The future of your job is full of uncertainty. But this is how we can make it more inclusive (World Economic Forum, 2017)

-Top rating for U.S. on skills training (IHE., Sep.13, 2017, suggested by Hurst)

-Slower economic growth: The role of education and health care (Brookings, Sep.20, 2016, suggested by McLachlan)

-A well-educated workforce is key to state prosperity (EPI, 2013, suggested by McLachlan)

-The student loan landscape (NY Fed, suggested by Manzi)


(reading: college education related)

-Can investing in public colleges be considered as an infrastructure project? (Econofact, Feb.2, 2017)

-Major decisions: what graduates earn over their lifetimes (The Hamilton Project, 2014)

-The Economy Goes to College (Georgetown U., 2015, suggested by Burns)

-How student-loan debt is dragging down the economy (BI, May 1,2015, suggested by Pickford)

-The high economic and social costs of student loan debt (CNBC, Jun.15, 2015, suggested by Pickford)

-Data reveal a rise in college degrees among Americans (NYT, Jun.12, 2013, suggested by Smart)


(reading: fiscal policy related)

-Government budget deficits and economic growth (Econofact)

-Federal budget basics (The Hutchins Center, Brookings)

-IMF cuts US GDP growth estimates - assuming that Trump's tax and spending plans won't happen (Forbes, Jun.27, 2017, suggested by Fox and Morgan; Streit)

-Economic growth in the United States: A tale of two countries (WCEG, Dec.6, 2016, suggested by Dekic)

-Designing federal budget policy to spur economic growth (Brookings, Oct.13, 2015, suggested by Roberts)

-Stimulating economic growth through technological advance (AMSTAT, Mar.1, 2011, suggested by Smart)

-Maximizing the local economic impact of federal R&D (Brookings, Oct. 26, 2016, suggested by Smart)


(reading: infrastructure related)

-Can investing in public colleges be considered as an infrastructure project? (Econofact, Feb.2, 2017)

-The state of U.S. infrastructure (CFR, Oct.6, 2017, suggested by Nguyen et al.)

-Will more infrastructure spending increase US growth? (Brookings, Dec.13, 2016, suggested by Manzi; Streit; Uffer and Yapnayon)


(reading: tax/entitlement related)

-The tax reform tradeoff: eliminating tax expenditures, reducing rates (Tax Policy Center)

-Economists are skeptical that growth will finance tax cuts (Chicago Booth Review)

-White House study: corporate tax cut will provide huge boost to wages (Washington Examiner, Oct.16, 2017, suggested by Manzi)

-Social security checks to rise 2 percent in 2018, the biggest increase in years (WP, Oct.13, 2017, suggested by Pickford)

-Financing entitlements and promoting work: Does policy encourage early retirement? (AEI, Dec.17,2012, suggested by Pickford)

(reading: international cooperation related)

-Is the trade deficit a drag on growth? (Econofact)

-Asia trade talks stall as TPP bounces back from Trump's blow (Bloomberg)

-Trump's trade pullout roils rural America (Politico)

-The Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Estimates (PIIE)

-Adjustment and Income Distribution Impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (PIIE)

-On NAFTA, America, Canada and Mexico are miles apart (The Economist, added on Oct.24)

-Reversing NAFTA: A supply chain perspective (ImpactECON, August, 2017, added on Oct.24)

-The benefits of international trade (USCC, last accessed on Nov.5, 2017, suggested by Smith)

-World Economic Outlook, Oct.2017 (IMF, Oct.2017, suggested by Hurst)



- 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes, The Joy of Stats (BBC)

- Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth (OECD)

- Secrets of Economic Growth (World Economic Forum)

- Economic Growth has Stalled. Let's Fix It (TED)

- Trade, economic growth, and inequality (IMF)

- Will robots replace human workers? (The Economist)

- Immigrant crackdown: businesses brace for fallout (WSJ, 2017)

- Will Trump's deportation policy drive up farm wages? (Bloomberg, 2017)

- Trump threatens Indian engeneers' American Dream (CNN, 2017)

- Michigan workers hate NAFTA but love robots (CNN, 2017)

- Will automation take away all our jobs? By David Autor (TED, 2016)

- Race against the machine" By Andrew McAfee (TED, 2012)

- Immigration concerns: Tech industry looks to Canada (WSJ, 2017)

- Toughening NAFTA's rules of origin could backfire (PIIE, Sep.11, 2017)

- Inside the GOP's tax blueprint (CNN, Sep.27, 2017)


-10 years after the Great Recession, why aren't more Americans working? (Brookings Cafeteria Podcast)

- Caroline Freund on the decline in global trade and Trump's trade policy (Macro Musings Podcast)

- Larry Summers on secular stagnation, fiscal policy, and Fed policy (Macro Musings Podcast)

Below are the sample materials from Spring 2016 course

-For general instruction, see here

-In-class demo on how to draw graph, see here