lecture materials

Lecture notes are all posted on BlackBoard

Supp. material for textbook : Student Center (has online quizzes, power points etc)

Extra readings related to the class material


- Video: "Where in the world is the world headed?" by Angus Deaton (AEA, 2017, his actual speech from 10:49-28:45) ;

- Video: "Economic issues facing the new president" by Jason Furman, former Council of Economic Advisers chair (AEA, 2017, his actual speech from 2:15-21:15) ;


- "Should the United States build a wall on the Mexican border to reduce unauthorized immigration?" (EconoFact)

- "Will manufacturing jobs come back?" (EconoFact)

- "House GOP tax plan aims to boost competitiveness, might also violate trade law" EconoFact

- "The cost of full repeal of the Affordable Care Act (CRFB, 1/4/2017)

- Video: "Better understanding global trade flows" (OECD)

- Video: "Positive fiscal signs amid slow-growth economy" (PBS NewsHour, 1/29/2017)

- Video: "Universities tell foreign students: don't go anywhere" (PBS NewsHour, 1/31/2017)


- "The returns to college education" (Coelho and Liu, 2012, wp)

- "Real average hourly hearnings unchanged from January 2016 to January 2017" (BLS, 2/21/2017)

- "Reforming the H1-B visa program" (Econofact, 2/17/2017)

- "Why immigrant-shy Japan is luring foreign workers" (Bloomberg, 2/23/2017)

- "World happiness report 2017" (UN, 3/20/2017)

- "Congressional Budget Office cost estimate for American Health Care Act" (CBO, 3/13/2017)

- "Revised CBO cost estimate for AHCA" (CBO, 3/23/2017)

- Video: "Italian productivity blues" (Euronews)

- Video: "Will robot take our jobs?" (OECD)

- Video: "Learning to code will help you prepare for the jobs of tomorrow" (Economist)


- "US bilateral trade balances: A new guide to trade policy?" (PIIE, 11/15/2016)

- "Sealing the border could block one of America's crucial exports: Education" (Brookings, 1/31/2017)

- Video: "Is the US trade deficit a problem?" (PIIE, Mar.6, 2017)


- "The decline of blue-collar jobs: in graphs" (CEPR, 2/22/2017)

- Video: "We want America back" (BBC News)

- Video: " Can Trump save the coal industry? (BBC News)


- Hutchins Center fiscal impact measure (Brookings, Feb.28, 2017)

- Video: "America's infrastructure receives poor assessment" (PBS, Mar.11, 2017)

- Video: "Economist Blanchard says Trump needs to overheat economy" (Bloomberg, Mar.6, 2017)

- Video: "Nearly a tenth of US bridges may need an upgrade" (Newsy, 2017)

- Video: " The danger of economic data in the age of Trump" (CNN, 3/9/2017)

Other relevant materials

- "Testimony The budget and economic outlook 2017 to 2027" (CBO, Feb.2, 2017)

- Audio: "The top economic issues in 2017" (The Brookings Cafeteria)

- Audio: "Did China eat America's jobs?" (Freakonomics Radio)

- Audio: "Is the American Dream really dead?" (Freakonomics Radio)