Summary of the 2015 GJNC Divisions

Post date: Jun 1, 2015 7:43:53 PM


Open Division

The Open Division is the top division of the USA Volleyball Girls’ Junior National Championships (GJNC) where teams must obtain a bid to participate. Open bids are earned through finishing in a “bid” position in the Open Division of a National Qualifier, through a Trickle Down at that Event, or through the At-Large process. Open bids are not available for allocation through the Regions. The GJNC field size for Open Divisions will be 32 teams, except for the 13 & Under division which will be limited to 24 teams.

National Division

In the National Division of the GJNC, teams must obtain a bid to participate. National bids are allocated to the Regions for distribution to its teams. Regions will receive 1-2 bids for this tournament, depending upon enrollment from the previous year. Unused Region bids will be reallocated to other Regions. For the 12 & Under age division only, National bids will also be distributed at National Qualifiers. The GJNC field size for National Divisions will be 48 teams.

USA Division

In the USA Division of the GJNC, teams must obtain a bid to participate. USA bids are earned through finishing in a “bid” position in the USA Division of a National Qualifier, or through a Trickle Down at that Event. Should a team that accepted a USA bid later win an Open or National bid, the USA bid will remain in the region of the team that originally accepted the USA bid. If the region refuses to allocate this USA bid, it reverts back to the NQ and follows the trickle down process. The GJNC field size for USA Divisions will be 24 teams.

American Division

In the American Division of the GJNC, teams must obtain a bid to participate. American bids are earned through finishing in a “bid” position in the American Division of a National Qualifier or the team’s Region, through a Trickle Down at that Event, or through the Reallocation process. Should a team that has won an American Bid later win an Open, USA, or National bid, the American Bid will be allocated by the process described in the “Reallocation Bids” section of the Girls’ National Championship Manual. The GJNC field size for American Divisions will be 48 teams.

Patriot Division

The Patriot Division is a non-qualifying Division of the GJNC where teams may gain access to the tournament by simply entering the Event through the established process (please refer to the Patriot Division link for entry procedures). Order of acceptance will be initially based on date and time of entry until the tournament is full. The GJNC field size for Patriot Divisions will range from 24-72 teams in 2014.