Players Mantra

Post date: Feb 11, 2015 8:50:49 PM

Every year about this time, players are getting either too little or too much playing time in their club programs. Both situations can lead to negativity, believe it or not. Those who play too much may feel an intense burden to carry the weight of the win on their shoulders. They may feel overly criticized by the coach, team mates and even parents. Their play is on display at all times and there is no place to hide, literally.

For those players who get little time off the bench, negativity can set in pretty quickly. These players have to keep their role in mind and always be ready to go in and make a difference in the match. During practice, these players can feel left out, as they may end up on the scrimmage team against the starting 6/7 and get less reps in drills. They may even be asked to play a secondary position or role, for the good of the team. This can be hard to understand, especially without adequate explanation. But players must remember that the one thing they CAN control is their attitude and inner self-talk. So keep this handy poster in your thought process and remember some key phrases that hit home for you. Let this be your inner chant during challenging times. Good Luck!