Social Media Traps

Post date: May 5, 2015 6:46:53 AM

Social Media Tips to help student-athletes

Nothing is truly private on social media. You might think you can delete a tweet, Instagram pic or Facebook post, but content posted on the internet doesn’t just vanish. It is easy to screenshot content, or find things archived in Google searches.

Social media isn’t going away, in fact it is only growing in popularity. More and more people are using social media in various ways to interact, and promote brands or trending topics. Athletes are using social media outlets as a way to promote their brand… themselves. As great as social media can be for an athlete, it can also cause destruction.

Here is some social media advice for high school athletes:

Personal branding

Your social media and Recruitlook account is telling a story of who you are. How do you want people to see you? Remember that your personal image can be tainted by poor online choices.

You Own It

If you retweet it (or share it), you own it. Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences.

Be courteous

Don’t use your social platforms to vent and cause controversy. Use your social accounts to have fun, but make sure you show support to your fans, family and coaches for helping in your athletic journey.

Block the negativity

There is always going to be “haters” out there. Do not respond or feed into the negativity that they are spreading. Most just want to provoke you in some way. Tweet and then put the phone down or close the computer. You don’t have time to see what some hater is saying…take the high road.