
Background, Purchase and Installation

Article: Transponders in Gliders

This is a good overview of transponders, what is required and what is needed to install them.

Trig TT21 - Popular Choice for Gliders

This model is appropriate for sailplanes because it is relatively inexpensive, low power consumption, lightweight and supports "ADS-B out" capability.

Federal Aviation Regulations

§ 91.215   ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use.

§ 91.413   ATC transponder tests and inspections.

Appendix F to Part 43—ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections

FAA Document: Gliders squawk 1202 on transponders

ADS-B and Transponders

Transponder Agreements between ATC and Glider Clubs

Transponder Agreement: SCOH & IAH TRACON

Mid-Atlantic Soaring Soaring Association, Fairfield, PA

Located near the Camp David TFR

Functional Transponder Check

What is ADS-B?

See page 6 of the following document:

Traffic and Anti-Collision Technologies for Gliders

Functional Transponder Check

How do you know that your transponder is really being seen by ATC and other aircraft?