
The Salado parachuting operation is located approximately 16 miles southwest of the Temple Airport (KTPL) and 52 miles north of the Austin Airport (KAUS). 

Name of Operation: Skydive Temple

Airport Code: 73TA

Google Maps Link 

View on a sectional

SCOH Turnpoint & Airspace File

Airspace Circle: Yes

Airport Turnpoint: Yes

Download File


Jumps Announced on Gray Approach 134.35

*Add this to your sectional that you carry in the glider.

No CTAF at Salado


7 Days/week

Notes from the Owner

Email from Skydive Temple owner to Fault Line Flyers Glider club near Austin - 26 Aug 2013.

My name is Mark Pollack. I am the owner of Skydive Temple in Salado (73TA). We have been in operation for about 30 years. Recently we have had a few gliders directly over the Drop Zone during jump operations and have had near misses with the gliders. We realize we don't own the sky but the DZ is a NOTAMed drop zone and is on the charts. We talk with Gray Approach and the gliders do not, we have transponders and the gliders do not. I realize that the gliders may not even be from your club so I am asking if you could help spread the word in your community to avoid a 3 mile radius around 73TA  (just south of Salado on the east side of 35). For everyones safety we greatly appreciate it. 


Thank you so much for any help you could give us.


Mark Pollack
