Gloster Aerodrome

Update 18 Feb 2016

Gloster Aerodrome is no longer an active parachute jumping operation.


Gloster Aerodrome is located approximately 7.5 nm north of GHSA (bearing 345 degrees magnetic from GHSA). 

1 sm west of Brazos River

2.5 sm south of I-10

3.5 sm east of Longbird (on the sectional). 

It is not far west of a direct line from SCOH to GHSA.

Gloster is not in the 2006 SCOH Turnpoint Database - please update!  It is in the newest turnpoint database. Click HERE for a link to the newest turnpoint database


Gloster Aerodrome 122.725

The parachute jumping operation has agreed to also announce on 123.5 (GHSA's frequency) five minutes before each jump.

Click HERE for more details on Gloster Aerodrome.

Gloster Aerodrome Website


As they jump, they rarely get more than 1.5-miles from the center of the field.  As long as glider pilots remain outside of this active area, we should be fine.  Avoid overflying the field as they touch down in the center of the airport between the runways.  Additionally, avoid flying at cloud base within 1.5-miles of the field as they may descend through clouds from time to time.

Gloster can be used as a glider landout spot if necessary but you must exercise caution.  The jump plane operates primarily on 07.  This leaves 09/27, which is on the north side of the property open for use and outside of the jump landing zone.  Remember, never overfly the center of the field.  Enter you pattern from the east or north if possible.  Also, look to see if the big airplane (Cessna Caravan) is on the ground.  If you don't see it, its probably up somewhere.  The operator of the Gloster jump operation mentioned that each "experience" from takeoff in the plane to jumper touchdown is on average fifteen minutes.  Also note that the jump plane descends very fast.  Be vigilant.

During the week, the jump plane will fly on average ten times daily.  On weekends, around fifteen times daily.  The plane is capable of carrying approximately fifteen jumpers.

The parachute jumping operation has agreed to announce on GHSA's frequency (123.5) five minutes before each jump. It is strongly recommended that you monitor 123.5 once you are south of I-10 and heading in the direction of GHSA and Gloster.

NEW RUNWAY - note from the airport management (as of June 2013)

Gloster’s third (and longest runway), Runway 02/20 is now open! The airport management would appreciate that since there are still small patches of grass to grow, that you favor the first half of Runway 20 (heading South) for a few more weeks. Also, please avoid touch and goes, as they want to let the grass grow a bit more as long as possible. We flew off it yesterday evening and you will find the transition from Runway 07/25 smooth. Be mindful, this runway is 70 feet wide and the central culverts are bricked over on the sides, so please keep to the middle of the runway and there are wires on the South end. Runway length is 3,300 feet. Patterns to the East, Right base to runway 20 (North), and left base to runway 02 (South), this will keep you away from other traffic. Remember monitor and use frequency 122.725!