Accident Data


We can reduce our chances for an accident if we’re willing to be honest with ourselves about the inherent risks of soaring, and the number of the soaring community we lose every year. A familiarity with accident data helps us stay aware that accidents happen to pilots of all experience levels, and in all phases of flight. Reading about specific accidents and thinking about what we can do to learn from other’s poor decisions is an excellent way to reduce our chances of stepping in the same hole.

Accident Review Reports

Organizations and individuals from both the US and the UK have been compiling information on accidents for many years. 

CLICK HERE to see reports from recent years.

Mid-Air Collisions

Individual mid-air collisions can be reviewed by examining the NTSB accident database. MORE INFO...

Accidents That Almost Happened

Multiple Compounding Risks

Video of an actual event that almost became very serious

John Cochrane

You Will Be Tempted

Great article about contest flying that can be applied to all areas of aviation.

John Cochrane has written extensively on safety issues related to contests but many of his topics can be applied to all areas of soaring including decision making and the analysis of accidents.

John Cochrane's Website