Bill Benner Bio

Article by Val Paget

Bill Benner was raised in Indiana. He enlisted in the US Navy and qualified for the ROTC program at Purdue University. He graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry and went into active duty. After serving in the US Navy for 24 years on active duty, he retired with the rank of Commander.

His experience ranges from flying Convair 440's to P2V Neptunes. He had a special place in his heart for the P2V's. His love of this aircraft probably stemmed from the many 23 hour missions he did as PIC. He flew the P2V fully loaded with fuel, sonar buoys and depth charges. These submarine patrol missions were flown, for the most part, at 100' off the deck with JATO assisted take offs. He said that the take off was so critical that they could not lose one engine and come out alive.

After retiring from the Navy, Bill went to work for the University of Houston in the purchasing department and retired from that job. Both before and after this second retirement, Bill dedicated himself to the towing operation at SCOH.

The picture in the clubhouse of Bill, arms open and smiling, captures his personality. He was eager to welcome everyone into aviation and the Soaring Club of Houston. He made people who joined the club feel that they were an important part of the group. He cheered on our progress and gave members perfect tows. Always very active in the club, he was an essential part of both weekend and weekday flying.

Eduardo Iglesias sums it up best, “All that Navy flight training showed in his professionalism; he was a gentleman and a true friend.”