Flight School Files

A system of files are used to demonstrate a maneuver via the "View Lesson" button in Flight School. The same set of files allow a student to "fly" the lesson beginning from the same point in space and time via the "Try Lesson" button. This makes it easy to repeat specific maneuvers without starting from the beginning on aero tow. i.e. You can start on short final to practice multiple landings. Follow these instructions to put Russ Holtz's pre-made files into your version of Condor on your PC. Thanks to Russ for sharing these files! (www.gliderbooks.com)

1. You MUST upgrade (free if you already bought Condor) to the latest version of Condor, 1.1.5. To see what version that you have now, start the Condor program on your PC. The version number is at the top of the Condor pop-up window. To upgrade, go HERE, read through the directions and determine which file(s) that you need to download.

2. As a matter of convenience, you can find all the "Flight School" files in this Google drive folder. The same files can also be found at www.gliderbooks.com.

3. Replace the "FlightSchool" folder on your PC with the "FlightSchool" folder at the above link in step #2.

C: > Program Files (x86) > Condor > FlightPlans > User

4. Start the Condor program, if not already.

5. Select "Flight School"

6. Select the desired tab: "Basic", "Intermediate", "Advanced" or "Custom". 

7. Select "View Lesson" to watch the demonstration or "Try Lesson" to fly the lesson yourself. Each lesson has a set of clear instructions for that particular lesson's objectives. See SCOH's "Flight Sequence" to follow our suggested order of lessons.