Condor Flight Simulator


The Condor flight simulator is glider specific software that emulates the training and cross country environments of sailplanes. 

Along with the help of a glider instructor versed in Condor, your glider training can be supplemented by exploiting the capabilities of Condor. Real emergencies can be practiced and the action can be frozen to discuss an important issue.

Condor is used by many around the world to race each other in realistic cross country soaring competitions.

Lesson Plans

SCOH Condor Lesson Plans

Once you are viewing the Google doc, File > Download as > take your pick

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Condor Lesson Plans linked to SCOH Lesson Plans

Condor Files

For the convenience of setting up extremely useful files on your PC, follow this link to manage Replay files, Flight Plan files, Flight School files, Flight track files and Study Guides. More...

Guides & Manuals

Binder at SCOH clubhouse computers, Getting started guides, Condor manual, "Why Simulation?", Condor Corner from Soaring magazine, Textbooks and More...


The SSF(Soaring Safety Foundation - affiliate of the SSA) has produced thought provoking accident awareness scenarios by creating movie clips in Condor. More.. 

Condor Software and Hardware

Want your own setup at home? Follow this link and scroll about 75% down the page and get the "Condor Standard Kit". 

Condor Official website: update your older version of Condor, more details,  More.. 


Glider Instructor Webinar Sailplane Simulation, A different Teaching Perspective, Feb 2017. An on-line instructor forum tailored specifically to the needs of Glider Instructors that is held each quarter. This quarter's guest was Scott Manley of 

Condor Simulation Graphics This video demonstrates the realistic scenery graphics, air to air perspectives, wing tip smoke, ridge soaring and thermal soaring.