

Almost as remarkable as the quiet is the view.

With a transparent Plexiglass canopy, gliders offer spectacular visibility - if you look back you can even see behind you!

When the visibility is good you can see for miles - along the Brazos river and sometimes even downtown Houston. Even on hazy days the view is spectacular - the sense of depth compounded as rolling hills and fields march to the horizon.

The wonderful view from the seat of a glider and a great introduction to soaring can be seen in this video.


The Soaring Club of Houston is just that - a club.

Gliding is a cooperative sport, and that's the way it works at SCOH. Everything from the instruction to the many social activities ensures an inclusive atmosphere.

Many lifelong friendships have formed and grown in the 35 year history of the club. Having a common interest and supportive atmosphere allows you to relax and enjoy the best flying of your life.


Gliders use the same air currents that birds use and they are designed with the kind of aerodynamic efficiency that enables top speeds of up to 140 mph. Distances of over 500 miles have been covered from SCOH in one day and altitudes in excess of 8,000 feet have been achieved.

Gliding gives you the freedom to explore the world from a unique bird’s-eye view and to discover the many moods of the sky. It is easy to fall in love with soaring... video.