Richard's stroke, restless leg syndrome, Mozart, and gargling salt.

Richard Gardner is a wonderful, ideosyncratic friend dating back to mid-college 1960s.  He is amusing and brilliant, but recently suffered a stroke.  Fortunately his mind is intact, but he has lost use of his left hand and is struggling to use his left leg.  Unfortunately, he has run out of money and was moved to Watertown Health Center and is now deprived of physical therapy.

Please donate to his gofundme site.  A friend handles the money and pays Richard's bills.  With luck we will figure out how to get him physical therapy.

Another friend of his discovered an amazing, little known fact by researching strokes:  MOZART.

Richard has been afflicted with "restless legs syndrome" all his adult life.  Mozart has cured that.  He listens to Mozart 24/7 and has no more symptoms, hence better rest and leg strength and capability.  Now if we could just get him physical therapy, the odds are he could return to independent living and tax paying like before.

Since this astounding find about Mozart can have a major positive impact for literally millions of people, Spreading this good news is our first priority (and we hope it will bring attention to this site, Richard's problem, and his gofundme requests).

This list of Mozart links is oriented to music therapy, starting with the Mozart Effect.  Here is the most exciting line from that Rutgers page: "Music therapy is now commonly used for motor skill rehabilitation, stroke patients and people who suffer from memory disorders. It is also used extensively with special needs patients, specifically children and adults with autism."

Some sites have amusing names like TheDoctorWillSeeYouNow, and the first paragraph is both amusing and cogent. "According to fairy tales, music has the power to tame savage beasts.  According to the marketers of certain baby toys, listening to Mozart can make your child smarter.  Recently, medical science has weighed in: According to a study from Finland, music can help our brains recover from a stroke."

James Clear is using his stories about music therapy to sell his e-zine, but his stories about music suit my purpose, and this line from the Cleveland Clinic is compelling, "Music can be used to reduce pain in patients."

GrabSomeHealthNews is another peculiar health news web site, but again, this line suits, "Researchers at Tel Aviv University find that premature babies exposed to a Mozart sonata become restful and grow."

NeurologyReviews weighed in with a study about epilepsy; significant line from Christine Charyton, PhD, "We believe that music could potentially be used as an intervention to help people with epilepsy."

After quickly assembling that short collection of "studies", it seems more believable that somehow Mozart cured Richard's restless leg syndrome for free.  Little wonder that he listens to Mozart 24/7.

I would be delighted to hear testimonials from people who have been helped by Mozart.

================= Google provided this list of several sites about restless legs syndrome , Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, is an independent foundation that purports to support research and provide information  is the National Institutes of Health official description of restless legs syndrome with associated research and therapies. gives the advice and information from the Web-MD web site. the National Sleep Foundation suggests that sufferers might benefit from avoiding alcohol and caffeine and embarking on an exercise program - not palatable advice for many. Medicine Net also offers helpful suggestions to resolve restless Legs syndrome.

There are more links of interest.

============= part two of the life of Richard Gardner

======== artist & photographer of Fresh Pond in Cambridge

If you want to know a little more about Richard's pursuits, look at his calendars and photos of Fresh Pond in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  If you are only going to take time to look at one page, This one is recommended.

He has also assembled a few time-lapse movies from his habit of pausing at particular places EVERY DAY to take a picture.

When I found that link, it was embedded in an interesting page showing that Richard is a member of the Global Artists Network.  This page is pretty cool.

And this one promises lots of good photos.

Richard assembled calendars of bird or dog photos from his daily walks around Fresh Pond.  Lulu has an inventory of 10 products in Richard's Store.

2015 Birds of Fresh Pond

So now you know a little more about Richard.  This page is just a beginning.  It will evolve as time and inspiration permit, and, not to worry, one day I will fix the fonts.

Oh yes, and Please donate a few bucks to Richard's gofundme site

For nearly any skin condition, Richard sings the praises of California Baby Cream (sold by Trader Joes, Walmart, Target, ...)

The description that follows is lifted from a Target ad.

Nature’s first aid—California Baby Calendula Cream is excellent for use on general diaper area, cradle cap, cuts, scrapes and face and for extra-dry or sensitive skin. Botanically based, this light and fluffy Calendula Cream contains the active ingredient Calendula, which has been used to heal the skin for centuries. California Baby Calendula Cream offers deep hydration, absorbs completely and leaves skin feeling satiny smooth. Use for everyday protection and especially when the air is dry and skin needs relief. The entire family can benefit from this soothing, multipurpose cream.

Works well on cradle cap and chapped skin

Soothing, Moisturizing

gluten free, Hypoallergenic

For Use On: Whole Body, Dry Skin

Product Warning: no warning applicable

Another health tip from Richard is that gargling salt water daily will prevent many colds.  I've been doing that for a year + and have not had a full-blown cold during that time.  Richard was delighted to report after his first year that he had not had the usual three colds over the previous winter.

I have to include my saying from Richard in the 60s, "I don't let reality interfere with my daily life."

Click here to return to Ron Beatty's home page

The following links are of personal interest:

Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas

Rambo family genealogy,  Bankston & Bankson family genealogy,  the Camblin family genealogy,  the Dorsey Overturff family,  cousin Jean's Schenck and Hageman genealogy, and 

Eric's RPM coins.