main page 2008

Ron Beatty's Web Page

Last updated 19 November 2008. My e-mail address is also on another page now..

I am an MIT graduate, BMW motorcycle rider, genealogist, traveler, computer programmer, hiker;

and a former basketball player, resident of Burton 3rd, and a recovering icecreamaholic. Resumes for jobs I do - click on any picture or job description.

My sister has applied to the DAR to qualify our ancestor John Overturff as a Revolutionary patriot. Read all about him on our new Overturff Genealogy site.

19 Nov 2008: The Bankson volume is published and a read-only PDF is available on the web on the Bankston Family Tree site, thanks to cousin Cynthia.  Two read-only PDFs of the entire 2300-page Rambo book are attached to the RamboFamilyTree website.

Halloween 2008: AOL deserves being flushed down the toilet for yanking the rug out from under ALL of its website customers. I'll close my account as soon as I've informed everyone of their egregious behavior.

I'm rebuilding on Google at All my other sites will have similar addresses.

Google allowed me to copy my old page and paste it into their edit window. Amazing that Google makes it so easy.

Hi Everyone, Oops, today, 22 Jan 2007, I'm again in Columbia, SC. The bike needs repair and the weather forecast for the sunny southwest was lousy and icy, so I headed back here to resume genealogical work. Yes, a read-only CD of the Rambo genealogy is available for $30. I'm revising and improving the most recent travelogue. This front page of my web site remains a short description of my recent life except for these links to a family photo album, the Rambo Family Tree, and a "site map" including travelogues, annual letters, previous web pages, etc.

Oh, yes, it is a work in progress today, 31 Jan, 1 Feb, and 2 Feb, as is the rest of the web site this week.

I'm still writing travelogues of the last two trips. After I finish the long versions I'll cut out the good parts into short versions. The recent Texas trip with nine motorcycling buddies is progressing nicely ... as is another page, RideLikeRon.

The 2005 trip from Florida to British Columbia (motivated by the family photo of Dave & Deb on the bike with Amy, Hanna, and Ella in the sidecar) was pretty good, but the traveling frame of mind was compromised by the desire to finish the Rambo genealogy book. My ice cream page is getting a few impressively delicious additions including Sandy's "gigantic, titanic banana split" in Columbia, SC. I was delighted to visit the home of Blue Bell ice cream in Brenham, Texas, although we missed the tour. Eureka!! I've "finished" the first volume of the Rambo Family Tree genealogy (although it is not yet delivered to the publisher) and Adobe will set me free. The Bankston book is nearly finished and I've decided to buy time by publishing a read-only Adobe Acrobat file of the complete book soon. As with every single step, creating the index took much, much longer than anticipated despite using XYWrite and vi programming scripts. I should be adding a web page describing the "on-demand" publishing process soon.

Since leaving Texas, I've return to my diet and resumed clearing my self-diagnosed clogged arteries. I'm feeling "lighter" and more energetic in general. My diet/ lifestyle (no meat fat, no milk fat, no sugar, and no white flour) isn't too obnoxious for me. Once every month or two I fall off the wagon for an ice cream or two. Dale says that lecithin is "Roto Rooter" for the arteries, and Roy reduced his cholesterol with 500mg of niacin daily, so I'm taking those plus garlic, fish oil, and a medicinal glass of red wine (read that "cheap red wine"). I'm eating blueberries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and peas often. Following advice from Hugh (a retired cardiologist), I had another cholesterol test which showed HDL of 65; LDL of 92; triglycerides of 47; and total cholesterol of 166 ... i.e. terrific.

I didn't get a job in Santa Fe despite an "insider" recommendation, 1300 pages of J2EE, and Ed Mooney's evaluation that I can "talk the talk". However, I am closer to applying to Google, so here is the link to my short resume. While I was waiting to hear about the job in Santa Fe this summer, I began to wonder what was in this for me. I.e. Why did I want to sacrifice my idealic lifestyle to return to work? Ignore the facts that I enjoy programming in Java (or C) and that J2EE seems way too cool. The answer was Google Earth on a 60 inch flat screen monitor. My motorcycle won't carry it comfortably.

Glucosamine Sulfate with MSM is still my "drug" of choice to ward off joint problems. I've experimented with hyaluronic acid per Judy's recommendation and am pleased with the results. Silly me, I gave away both bottles and am now out. My shoulder pain has been minimal recently. The Cleveland Clinic examined me for a detached retina and found no signs of that. My weight did drop to the target 175 pounds, but rebounded once I started "sampling" ice creams in Canada. (Like tiger flavor - a licorice.)

Does anyone remember who said something like, "A happy man is not someone in a pleasant circumstance, but rather someone who enjoys a cheerful philosophy?" No answers yet. Please write, call or send money. My particular spin on that is that I always smile unless I have a compelling reason to be unhappy. Another phrasing is that every morning you can decide whether to start the day in a good mood or not.

It seems to me that the road to happiness is the discovery and pursuit of your individual passions. Just the other day I finally put it all together and realized that the advice to "know yourself" is better phrased as "discover your passions and pursue them." Another puzzle is that as we age "our selves" change.

My inconsideration diatribe is a pithy analysis of one of the major problems in modern society.

One of my genealogical "finds" years ago was a letter from a great-great-great Uncle to his nieces. In it he lamented that his "dear sainted mother" was gone and that they would never again in this life hear her beloved voice. My mother died on July 3, 2001. Now I understand his sentiments. Time may be helping, but I still miss her greatly and often. I've found that letter recently and will transcribe it here soon. I'm no longer sure that "time is helping" because some of my attitudes and enthusiasms towards other people seem to be permanently scarred.

Dated material from 15 Jan 2006:

Yesterday's mile run around the lake took 13 minutes despite pushing for speed. Cynthia took me to Brenham but we were too late for the Blue Bell factory tour. Today's plan is to run two miles before the rain starts.

My diet is in the trash since the local grocery has 20 flavors of Blue Bell ice cream on sale this week.

I've enjoyed visiting Cynthia this week. Stan is also a gem. The weather has become horrid with freezing rain last night. Good luck to everyone dealing with this cold weather.

I'm excited about seeing cousins Pat & Dorothy en detour to return to Eve's Garden to get to know Clyde and Kate better (and to learn to build with papercrete). The plan was then to continue to Arizona to see cousins Kay, Jim, Mary, Kenneth & Jewell, and to flirt with Julia again. After all that I intended to meander around the south looking for an opportunity to ride up to Salt Lake City to visit with Roy or out to Illinois to stay with my sister Carol while building a HO train loft in nephew Eric's oversized garage.

I always stick to a plan, so do indeed plan to see all these people, but I don't stick to schedules at all, so the plan stays the same and the dates change ... speaking of which it is time to post a plan on the website to see whether the future will unfold as planned this time (HA).

The 2004 summer travelogue runs to 22 pages, and a short version is now available. I need to add more to the travelogue about the trip to Hawaii that Mom and I made before her heart attack. It has been emotionally difficult to write that one, but I'm making progress. Several other good travelogues are still languishing. Hopefully I'll soon be expanding the other drafts and outlines of travelogues - and I cannot forget the 2001 motorcycling trip with those same 9 guys concerning the dangers of Cuervo Gold.

The Burton Third website is up, but has been neglected ever since. If you can offer any memories, I'd love to hear from you. The official BTB website is still useless for outsiders.

It continues to be a mild disappointment that my HO train layout is packed up instead of running, but I have big hopes that my nephew Eric will continue to have room to build a permanent train loft in his new, huge shed. I've come to realize the need to include several more words for Google to index: BTB; Zelmo (a basketball nickname from my days at MIT where I majored in hoops); Ronald S. Beatty (ten cents to anyone who knows what the S. stands for); 1973 BMW R75/5, my trusty motorcycle with 112,000 miles to date - finally realizing its heritage; model railroading; and my genealogy families of Argo, Briney, Camblin, Mechem, Overturff, Rambo, and Venus - plus a dozen more common names including the new Schenck/Hegeman website I promised cousin Jean.

Conch Computer Systems is defunct with Bill's death, but I have faith that Mary will find our business mission statement hilarious. Florida Keys scenery is outstanding and the Conch site links to lots of pretty pictures.

E-mail me at

Please be patient as I often "reside" where there are no phone lines.

That is it for the front page. I do apologize for writing so seldom these last few years. Genealogy and travel keep me busy, busy, busy. My e-mail address is I strive to to answer ASAP or within the year. 31 Jul 2007 !! Bankson book is in hands of publisher. Resume submitted to Google. Bike still broken. I'm AWOL on the Appalachian Trail until 15 September and will return to South Carolina sometime this winter. WARNING:Any e-mail sent to might be lost during this time. Use instead.

12 Jul 2007, Thursday: I'm again in South Carolina at the Gowdys', heartbroken that my bike has a rod knock (my guess). I did mail CDs to cousins, but decided to ignore my financial asset allocation since Fidelity tells me that I am 55% cash.

9 Jul 2007, Monday: Jim and I helped Therese move from SouthEast DC to Arlington, VA on Saturday & Sunday. I worked industriously all day, keeping up with the movers, and was delighted that my conditioning is still that good. Tomorrow I'll start down I-81 in the Shenandoah Valley to return to Irmo, SC. I plan to start the Appalachian Trail soon thereafter.

6 Jul 2007, Friday: See the Where Is Ron Now blog at ( to keep up with me. I'm in Mount Airy, MD at Jim's after a fun week of motorcycling with 15 friends in the Great Smokies. Photos of us on June 29, 2007 are on a couple of Deal's Gap photography sites: and

My favorite photo shows "beanie" helmet, huge smile & old sneakers. (The arrow key gets the next photo in the series.) Killboy has photos of Kevin, John, Jonathan (&Tammy), Lee, Jim, Walt (&Pam), Shelly, Rolf, Elaine, and Danny plus second and third runs of Jonathan & Kevin. I show up again on July 3rd.

Zeefoto also shows Kevin, John, Jonathan (&Tammy), Lee, Jim, Me, Walt (&Pam), Kevin, Shelly, and Rolf, Elaine and Danny. (And maybe one more picture of Jonathan.)

I suspect that other pictures of John, Jonathan & Kevin are out there. Bill and Cheryl should also be there (which day?). Hmm, where is Brian on his Harley?

12 Jun 2007: I give a HUGE THANKS to Google for free pictures on the web, for several free, collaborative genealogy documents on the web, and for amusing blogs of Ron's activities, Ron's travelogue, RideLikeRon motorcycling news, and Ron's genealogy. (The latter three coming "soon.")

12 Jun 2007, Monday: Google has given me lots of web space for pictures, Google documents on the web, and most recently a blog or two. I've been Very Busy with pictures of maps & deeds.

9 June: The Bankson book is ready for publication and the publisher has sent a contract to be signed.

9 Jun 2007, Saturday: The Bankson book is "done" and I will start talking to the publisher after finishing a few more details.

6 May 2007, Sunday: Wowwie, zowwie, lookie this - pictures, thanks to Google. Last night cooled down to 40 degrees. Leaves have come out in the crowns of most trees hereabouts, but you can still see through the woods easily. Tiny little potent poison ivy leaves are appearing. Rejoice, spring is arriving in Cleveland ! I've been working out regularly on elliptical trainer & universal gym. My body feels much better. I am greatly encouraged that my shoulder is tolerating shooting baskets. 25 Apr 2007, Wednesday: Walt & Pam back from their lovely trip to Amsterdam & Paris. Rainy today, tomorrow & Friday, so no go to Lebanon, Ohio for genealogy. Sister Carol wants to know what happened to the Hannah Schenck's widow's dower. 22 Apr 2007, Sunday: Rambo book index preliminary work finished & all volumes should be done soon. 15 Apr 2007: Two pretty little goldfinches brightened my day as did a morning visit with Rich & Barb & their new wolf-dog, Kolo. The Adventure bike took me into town after noon to get estimated tax forms at the library which I filled out & sent; another cold ride. Just before dark the snow started, 1-3 inches forecast tonight & tomorrow with slop slopping over into Monday. Jamie showed up again this evening. I feel good about the day's genealogy index typing and the several long phone conversations while walking. Time for bed. Goodnight.

14 Apr 2007: No rain for two nights now. Bee spray guy came yesterday on schedule. The late afternoon ride on Walt's Adventure bike was pretty chilly at 45 degrees. I mailed my taxes and went to Marc's for groceries. The scenery has changed drastically from that pristine blanket of winter wonderland white to spring green. No sign of Jamie. I did my first baby workout on the stair climber & universal gym.

12 Apr 2007: It was most amusing to follow progress of Walt & Pam's flights via internet. Their forecast for Paris & Amsterdam is delightful at 70+ degrees. My forecast for Cleveland is 45 degree rain for the next 5 days (sigh).

Jamie arrived at home long enough to shower and immediately left to see a Cavs game.

My lower back pain is gone today. Showing Lee all my back exercises was worth it.

9 Apr 2007: My old Beemer ran faithfully all night from 7 pm Sunday in Columbia, SC to 3:30 am Monday in Marietta, Ohio. Cold below 29 degrees, but I did not freeze thanks to snow mobile bib pants. The Mobergs are still carrying on and play bridge daily despite cancer and hip problems. Lee & Tammy in Dover are healthy & happy.

I've resumed genealogy indexing and also renamed several pictures of Harry Long's genealogy maps.

Click here to return to Ron Beatty's home page

The following links are of personal interest:

Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas

Rambo family genealogy,  Bankston & Bankson family genealogy,  the Camblin family genealogy,  the Dorsey Overturff family,  cousin Jean's Schenck and Hageman genealogy, and 

Eric's RPM coins.