making Black Lives Matter means "get an education"

One of the problems with the ghettos is that people fall into the stereotypical behaviors that they see around them, a continual downward spiral into doom.

Here are two very positive steps that successful blacks can do to make a difference.

Number one is for all those black professional athletes who are interviewed after every professional game to start their speech by first encouraging everyone to get an education.  Athletes can make Black Lives Matter with inspirational words such as "Study and get an education.  I would not be where I am today if I had failed to get an education.  I thank all my teachers and coaches who pushed me to get an education."  In the words of one famous black athlete, "Just Do It."

My wife just showed me a YouTube video of the Basketball Cop and Shaquille O'Neal (click here.)  Here is Shaq's quote "I'll tell you a secret that will change your life.  You know how much money I made?  $700 million.  You know how I made that?  Respecting my peers, listening to my mama and daddy and focusing on school."

Number two is for every TV show featuring black performers to end their show with similar statements.  

How many of you remember the "Red Skeleton Show?"  His final words, "God bless" left an indelible impression.

I've done what I can to make a difference, now it is up to you readers to do your part by publicizing this until those successful black athletes and performers see it and do it.