Christmas letter 1986

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year December 22, 1986.

This is another belated Beatty Christmas letter. This year I have even less excuse than usual. I have been carrying my new little Toshiba microcomputer with me on the motorcycle.

A month ago I was in Minneapolis shoveling snow for my brother, Dale. Then I drove to Big Pine Key, Florida in four days. The difference in temperature was astounding and unbelievable.

The Minneapolis high was 40 degrees. The Florida low was 70.

That warmth was incomprehensible.

This winter I am vacationing on Big Pine Key. Come visit.

In Florida we moved out of the office. I looked over the corporate books and tended to my neglected financial affairs and did lots of mechanical work to my Buick convertible. Just when I was ready to leave for Christmas in Illinois, a lifter died. I rode the motorcycle into frigidity once again. Sigh.

This has been a landmark year for me. I did everything except get married. Now I'm looking for a wife. Surprise! If you know anyone who wants to raise a family of six or eight kids way back in the hills somewhere, let me know. If the right person has two or three children already, that's ok.

Again this year I worked 80 hour weeks from January through July. That leaves time for little else besides volleyball.

Again I went travelling after all that work. This time I met my brother and sister-in-law, Dale and Carolyn, in Glacier National Park in Wyoming. I made that trip in eight days and traveled 1100 miles one of those days. We then went into the Canadian Rockies. I spent the next couple of months traveling in those spectacular mountains. In Hyder, Alaska in late August, the aspen were turning yellow and leaves were falling. The Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff is the best. It snowed there in September while I was motoring through. I hiked 120 miles in 11 days on Jasper's North Boundary Trail.

I hit one large rock in the road near Castlegar, British Columbia. It tore a piece out of the front rim and flattened the tire and even dented and cracked the rear rim. I kept telling myself $1000 later that it was an inexpensive accident. I didn't drop the bike or damage my frail little body.

I spent October working on my motorcycle at Partly Dave's Neighborhood Garage in Vernon, British Columbia. The guys there are great. I plan to return to Vernon next summer. Linda is a good candidate for my wife.

One or two people have complained about the length of last years Christmas missive, so this one is finished here. If you would like the rest of the story, let me know and I will send you the whole nine yards.

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Eve's Garden Organic Bed and Breakfast, a wonderful, eclectic, artistic papercrete alternative living learning mecca in Marathon, Texas

Rambo family genealogy,  Bankston & Bankson family genealogy,  the Camblin family genealogy,  the Dorsey Overturff family,  cousin Jean's Schenck and Hageman genealogy, and 

Eric's RPM coins.