On Sunday, June 7, Binions Hotel and Casino hosted the 6th Annual Ronin Ryder Cup Series of Poker. The tournament was once again played in the main poker room surrounded by pictures of previous World Series of Poker winners. American Pharoah had just won the Triple Crown earlier that afternoon, so there was some excitement in the air.

Somewhere between 28-34 players participated at the event. Last years champion Mitch Higa was on-hand to defend his title.

Good natured banter was prevalent throughout. Even some of the dealers got involved. The group was a bit noisy, but other non-participating tables did not mind.

The tournament began with three of the former four champions all on one table. It was not clear why Dale Kurata was not participating, but there was a deep fried donut sale going on next door.

Our first female participant, Katie, entered the tournament this year. She managed to eliminate her younger brother, take some well earned chips, and put a scare into other players on her table.

The first players eliminated were Danny and Mark, both taken out on the same hand. Mark had less chips, so he is probably considered the first one out. But that would be unfair to Danny, so both will have that honor. It was good to have Mark back this year after missing the last few RRC tournaments.

Mark and Danny

Mel was the last person to go out before the final table was set.

Seat 10: Lincoln

Seat 9: Kevin E

Seat 8: Eric

Seat 7: Pat

Seat 6: Louie

Seat 5: Wes

Seat 4: Mitch

Seat 3: Corky

Seat 2: Craig

Seat 1: Bobby

The key hand on the final table was between three of the larger stacks owned by Louie, Eric, and Mitch. On the river, Mitch raised, followed by an all-in from Louie. Eric jumped in quickly before Mitch called. Eric showed a full house (7's over 4's) to Mitch's three-of-a-kind (4's) and Louie's two pair (8's and 4's). Louie went out on the hand in 10th and Eric had established a huge chip lead.

Eric sat back and let the smaller stacks fight over the remains.

Bobby turned out to the the Bubble boy in 7th place.

Lincoln once again made the final table and cashed in 6th place.

Mitch had a very respectable defense of his title and came in 5th.

Tournament Director Pat had another good year to come in 4th.

Corky returned to the final table after a few years RRC absence for 3rd place.

It came down to Eric vs Kevin E. Kevin was loose and appeared to be playing the dealer more than Eric. Eventually, Eric's much larger stack was too much for Kevin to overcome.

The showdown hand: Eric's K-3 unsuited against Kevin's 10-8 unsuited. The flop, turn, and river were all blanks giving Eric the win and the Championship.

Eric is the first to go from the RRC Hall of Shame (twice) to the RRC Hall of Champions. Congratulations to Eric, the 2015 RRCSOP Tournament Champion!

1st place: Eric ($275)

2nd place: Kevin E ($155)

3rd place: Corky ($105)

4th place: Pat ($85)

5th place: Mitch ($60)

6th place: Lincoln ($45)

7th place: Bobby

8th place: Craig

9th place: Wes

10th place: Louie