2023 Ronin Cup Rules

We will be modifying the traditional Ronin Cup format and slightly altering

the rules that we started this competition with. Here is the synopsis of this

year’s rules.

The format of the tournament will be as follows:

Day 1: 2 Man Better Ball (Four-Ball)

Day 2: 2 Man Shamble

Day 3: 2 Man Scramble

Prior to all matches, we will split each team into an "A" Flight, "B" Flight and

“C” Flight. These divisions will be split by the approximate index of each of

the players for each day of competition.

For each day, the team pairings will be determined by Co-Captains selection

with assistance from the Ronin Cup Executive Competition committee. Ronin

rookies will be paired with their sponsor or other known partner in their

first day of competition. All selections are done in advance to the start of

the competition so that we may forward that information to the set courses.

As with Ronin Cup tradition, no team member may play with the same team

member during the days of team competition. However, the selected Co-

Captains will be able to set the sequence of the pairings each day and will

have the option of switching other sets of playing partners affecting the

matches each day.

Again, this year will have the availability of non-scoring match for all days of

the competition. The points for any non-scoring match will be split evenly

between the two teams, if unanticipated. The individuals placed in these

matches can be determined as late as the day of competition by mutual

agreement of the Co-Captains. This is to account for illness, injury or

unavailability during the event. Outside of unforeseen illness or injury, no

player may be placed in this group more than once within the entire

competition. The Ronin Cup Executive Competition committee is final

jurisdiction in upholding the spirit of this clause.

On Day 1, we will play with the true handicap system in a match play format.

Each golfer will receive their designated handicap listed in the handicap

attachment. Strokes for each individual will be given in accordance with the

difficulty of the course layout. Each team will formulate 2 Man teams and

pair them up in 21 matches. Each match must pair similar flight players on

each team, to the extent possible. (i.e. one "A" Flight player with one "B"

Flight player on each team). (Exceptions will be made for the possible

pairing of sponsoring players and their Ronin Cup rookies, as needed). Flights

are irrelevant as long as the above criteria on similar flights is met.

The lowest individual in each match will play with zero handicap strokes. The

remaining three players will each receive the total number of strokes

derived from their own course handicap less the course handicap from the

lowest player. The holes on which they receive the strokes will be in

accordance with the course listing beginning with the #1 handicap hole and

running consecutively until all remaining strokes are accounted for. After

each hole is played, each team will record their better net score and

compare them in a match play format.

On Day 2, the 2 Man Shamble will be played with a modified handicap

system. Each team in the expected Shamble (subject to change) matches will

receive 80% of their index. Each match must pair similar flight players on

each team to the extent possible (i.e. one "A" Flight player with one "B"

Flight player on each team) while adhering to the Ronin Cup tradition of not

playing with the same team member during the competition.

In the 2 Man Shamble format, each team member hits a shot from tee box

to begin the hole. The team hit their second shots from the position of the

selected drive, and then play their subsequent shots from where their golf

balls end up until they have completed the hole. After each hole is played,

each team will record their better net score and compare them in a match

play format.

For all matches on Day 2, a minimum of 5 shots off the tee must be used for

each player excluding all Par 3 holes. As the match progresses, each player

must continue to be eligible to utilize 5 tee shots. If the match ends prior

to 18 holes being played, each team member of the winning team must have

been able to utilize 5 tee shots. In other words, a player does not have to

use 5 tee shots during the match if it ends early, but only project out to a 5-

tee shot minimum had the match gone 18 holes. Again, the scoring format

will be match play.

The lowest individual in each match will play with zero handicap strokes. The

remaining three players will each receive the total number of strokes

derived from their own modified course handicap less the modified course

handicap from the lowest player, rounding down any fractions to the whole

number. The holes on which they receive the strokes will be in accordance

with the course listing beginning with the #1 handicap hole and running

consecutively until all remaining strokes are accounted for. After each hole

is played, each team will record their better net score and compare them in

a match play format.

On Day 3, the 2 Man Scramble will be played with a modified handicap

system. Each team in the expected Scramble (subject to change) matches

will have the lower handicap player receive 35% of their index and the

higher handicap player will receive 15% of their index. The combined amount

for each team will be compared to the opposing team. The lower team will

give the higher team the appropriate stroke amount, rounding down any

fractions to the whole number.

In the 2 Man Scramble format, each team member hits a shot from an

identical location (tee box to begin the hole or within one club length except

on greens) and then the team selects either shot to play their subsequent

shot from. This selection process continues until the ball is holed out.

After each hole is played, each team will record their net score and compare

them in a match play format.

For all matches on Day 3, a minimum of 5 shots off the tee must be used for

each player excluding all Par 3 holes. As the match progresses, each player

must continue to be eligible to utilize 5 tee shots. If the match ends prior

to 18 holes being played, each team member of the winning team must have

been able to utilize 5 tee shots. In other words, a player does not have to

use 5 tee shots during the match if it ends early, but only project out to a 5-

tee shot minimum had the match gone 18 holes. Again, the scoring format

will be match play.

In the event we have any non 2 Man team (individual) matches on any day due

to limited players, it will be played with the true handicap system. The

difference between the two players’ course handicap will be given to the

higher handicapped player. The lower player will play from scratch with the

higher player receiving the proper number of strokes in accordance with

course listing of handicap holes.

All matches on Day 1 and 2 will be worth 2 points each with any tied match

counting as 1 point for each squad. Day 3 matches are worth 3 points each

with tied matches counting for 1.5 points for each squad. A maximum total

of 142 points are possible during the competition. The team exceeding 71.0

points will be declared the winner of the 2023 Ronin Cup.

USGA rules will apply during the competition and putts may only be conceded

by the opposing team. All matches will be played from the indicated tees on

the day of play with the possible exceptions for designated Lady golfers and

designated “C” flight Men golfers over 72 years young.

EXISTING RONIN CUP RULE: To ensure speedy play, each Ronin Cup player

must be ready to hit his next shot at the first available opportunity.

Specifically, no Ronin Cup player may assist another player locate an errant

shot until he has hit his next shot. (i.e. If a player hits his ball out of play or

has to look for his ball, no other Ronin Cup player may assist him until the

other player has hit his next shot. In other words, you must be ready and

hit your ball at the first opportunity before assisting the other player.)

EXISTING RONIN CUP RULE: Each player may have an optional 15th club in

his bag during any round of play. This 15th club must be declared at the

beginning of the round and designated for use only when a club faces

imminent danger of damage from the existing lie (i.e. can only be used when

in the desert or next to rocks) of his ball. The spirit of this rule is to

protect one's regular clubs from damage and should not be used for a

competitive advantage.

On each of the first two days of the competition, the losing team will be

assessed a $30 fee per person per day. The team that accumulated the

most points on that day will be considered the winning team. In case of a tie

in the day’s matches, the team with the greater number of closest to the pin

winners on that day will be the tiebreaker. If each team wins the same

number of closest to the pin holes, then it will be deemed a tie.

If the teams are tied after the Day 1 or Day 2 daily competition, a $15

assessment will be made to every player.

Team members that are only golfing on two days of the 2023 Ronin Cup will

still be liable for their team’s performance and any assessments made

against their designated team on their non-golf days.

At the beginning of the team lunch on Sunday, October 8 th , the team

captains will collect from each team member the assessment amount due.

With 43 players on each team, this mean that $1,290 X 2 = $2,580 must be


Two-thirds (2/3) of this amount or $1,720 will be used to help pay for the

team lunch cost. $860 will then be wagered by the applicable Captains on a

single wager event (by mutual agreement) that must be completed prior to

the end of the lunch.

Should the wager be successful, $20 would then be returned to each player

by the Captains that the losing fee assessment was levied against. If the

wager is unsuccessful, then no fee rebate will be distributed.