1997 Newsletter

It has been a long time coming, but now the talking has got to stop. It's time to put up or shut up. The grudge match between the L.A. and O.C. boys has been officially scheduled. Four man teams from each county are set to determine the kings of the green.

After many preliminary matches and trash talking, the teams have put aside October 13-15 1997 to settle the score. The initial site chosen is a favorite of many in the tournament. Las Vegas, NV. has graciously accepted to host this prestigious event.

The teams have selected three courses in the Las Vegas area. Two courses are located at the Paiute Resort with the third being the aptly names TPC @ The Canyons. What better way to contest this "Tournament Players Championship" than to hold the final day here. The outlook is for fast greens and high tension on each and every shot.

The four man teams will be playing in an agreed upon format of 2 Man Better Ball , 2 Man Scramble and individual singles. Each match is worth 1 point to the winning team with a total of 8 points available during the tournament. Tied matches are worth 1/2 point to each team. The team that accumulates 4 1/2 points first will be declared the Ryder Cup champions.

After much debate, the captains have agreen to a modified handicapping system. It is hoped that the quality of play is the determining factor and not the amount of the handicap. Both captains believe that the handicap favors the opposing team.

All that is left is the swinging of the clubs. Both teams are fired up and looking to deliver the knockout blow. The "what ifs" are history and the time is now to win that vaulted title of "Holders of the Ronin Ryder Cup". Good luck!!

Fast Facts

Oct. 12, 1997 10:00 am

Line-ups due to opposing

Captain for Day 1 (Better Ball)

Oct. 13, 1997 10:00 am

Tee-off for Day 1 Las Vegas

Paiute Resort (Tav-ai Kaiv

Course "Sun Mtn")

Oct. 13, 1997 10:00 am

Line-ups due for Day 2


Oct. 14, 1997 10:00 am

Tee-off for Day 2 Paiute Resort

(Nu-Wav Kye Course "Snow


Oct 15, 1997 7:00 am

TPC @ The Canyons