

Donald has sent out the 2022 Ronin Ryder Cup invitations by mail this year. If you do not receive the information by 01/20/2022, contact him ASAP.

Some FAQ's regarding this years tournament:

  1. Does everyone need to be vaccinated for COVID to play?

    • Yes. This ensures that we try to keep everyone as safe as possible when we gather. Again, we will continually evaluate the current environment to ensure we can safely conduct this event and keep everyone informed. Our goal to keep everyone healthy and safe to the extent possible.

  2. Do I need to respond by January 31, 2022?

    • Yes. I would like to have your response by this date as I do need to sign the golf contracts by this date and provide the initial deposit amounts. The attrition clauses within the contract are more stringent than prior years and I need to have a rough count to ensure we are not paying out money for unused green fees.

  3. What if I am unsure I can make the October dates and cannot commit by January 31, 2022?

    • A response should still be sent by this date. If you have an idea of when you will be able to commit or decline, please provide that information. I will make every attempt to accommodate you if you wish to play, but I will need to make proper arrangements in advance to ensure this event takes place. I will stay in contact with you and let you know a drop dead date for a commitment.

  4. How do I respond or RSVP?

    • You may reply via email to me at or you can return the perforated response postcard from the invitation. Either way, you should provide the information requested on the invitation. Each invitee should reply directly for accountability purposes. Non-responses will be treated as a declination.

  5. How do I sponsor or invite someone who has not played in prior Ronin Cups?

    • Provide the requested information within your response for the person you plan to sponsor. Remember that sponsorship indicates your responsibility to ensure that your “rookie” is aware of the purpose and accountability of being a Ronin Cup player. I will then mail an official invitation to that person.

  6. If I choose the 2 golf day option, what days would I be scheduled to play golf?

    • The 2 day option would be similar to what was done in 2021. You would play in team events on Days 1 (Saturday) and 3 (Monday).

  7. When will you be sending out the lodging and other information for the 2022 Ronin Cup?

    • Additional information via email will follow once I get the preliminary head count on the number of participants from the 1/31/22 responses. My best guess right now is it will be sent out at the start of February.

Please send your response to Donald by 01-31-2022.


2021 Ronin Ryder Cup moving to October this year. Details to come.

Announcement History