Mythras Red Hand of Doom
This is a campaign about defense against nearly overwhelming odds. It is heroic in nature, and morally bankrupt characters will be out of place. Think first trilogy of Dragonlance.
There will be occasional wandering monsters, and time will be important.
The system is Classic Fantasy (aka Rubberquest, but like D&D)
The characters as of 7:30am, 21/5/2019:
Bryce - minotaur fighter/mage, ex-pirate, scarred by enslavement
Jereme - changeling paladin of Ganesha, rebelling against his criminal family but still bonded to them
Todd - changeling monk
Nate - dragonborn thief/acrobat
Kyle - elven evoker
Joe - human cavlier
Character Creation Summary
Character Concept - Decide generally on the kind of character to play. Keep it simple for now. More will come.
Characteristics - Choose a method to determine characteristics and calculate your character’s STR, CON, SIZ, DEX, INT, POW, and CHA based on the desired race.
See Races for a couple of other options
Characteristics based on the chart in the book or average of the racial stats, then add 10 points among them.
Calculate Attributes - Use the characteristics to determine Action Points, Damage Modifier, Experience Modifier, Healing Rate, Hit Points, Luck Points, Movement, and Initiative, as described on pages 8 to 11. Note, the character workbook in the share has these as well
Standard Skills - Calculate the Standard Skills by adding together the appropriate characteristics.
Race and Culture - If human, decide on a cultural background: Barbarian, Civilised, Nomadic, or Primitive. If demi-human, choose a race. Allocate 100 points amongst the listed Standard Skills and selected Professional Skills for the chosen culture. Skills must have a minimum of 5% and cannot receive more than 15%. Customs, Language (Common tongue) (a new skill representing a common language spoken by humans and others), and Native Tongue gain +40% each. Decide on the race/cultural Passions: Typically one Morality (or Alignment) Passion and one of Loyalty, Love, or Hate. Characters will be starting at Rank 2 - you will need to have your class skills up to 70% at minimum
Background - Create a detailed backstory, if desired; this step as detailed in Mythras is optional. For this game, you must be from this area or have strong ties to it - a Love that you currently have, Loyalty to the people currently in the area, etc. You get a bonus for this, so you want it.
Class - Choose a character class. Ignore any restrictions based on race. Distribute 100 points amongst the class’s listed Standard Skills and whatever Professional Skills were chosen. Not all of the available skills need to be improved, but no individual skill can receive more than 15%. Identify if the class uses magic and consult the Magic chapter as well as the appropriate spell chapter, Arcane or Divine, for the relevant information. Characters will be starting at Rank 2 - you will need to have your class skills up to 70% at minimum
Bonus Skill Points - You have 300 bonus skill points to distribute, and can put up to 30 in any particular skill. Choose a hobby professional skill too as a bonus. Note, you can only put bonus points in skills you already have, your hobby skill, extra spells known/in book, or into Feats. You can have no more than 75% in any of your class skills. Spread them around a little. Adding a new professional skill with bonus points is free - just add some bonus points. This is a great way to cover some weaknesses or to get a thing you wanted but felt point constrained on. Characters will be starting at Rank 2 - you will need to have your class skills up to 70% at minimum
Money and Equipment - You can have any normal equipment you like, but be rational. Heavy armor is limited to scale at the highest. You can use the Mythras book as well for weapons and shields. Everyone gets a warhorse or similar, saddle, bit, bridle, without barding. Vehicles are an option if the group wishes to have such a thing. Your characters have just gotten done with a successful adventure and have an additional 500 gp each in various coins as spending cash. There will be the opportunity to purchase items.
Magic Items - Everyone gets 3 rolls against the Random Magic Item Category table. Since there is a small chance of cursed items, the GM will tell you what you get, with the result of a cursed item being "none". Players may trade after everyone has rolled. This should be done as a group, mostly because it's more fun.
Name your character
Character Creation Notes
Any class is allowed from Classic Fantasy, and cavaliers won't even suck for most of it. In addition, I have hacked together an Occultist and a Swordmage as some people like.
The Errata PDF has an option for you picking a different set of class skills. This can be useful.
Specialist Wizards
Several of the specialist wizards have a very limited selection of spells. We can work on that. I have a selection of spells still in beta.
Locale skills are Locale (Elsir Vale)
Passions are intended to bind you to the area. Since this is a story about defending an area, they will come up in relation to that. You can use them to augment skills. Note, you can develop new passions spontaneously.
In addition to passions you might have for a class, every character needs to have the following passions, even if their class does not have any:
Loyalty to Community or Lord
Love (Person, Ideal, Concept, or Thing)
Hate (Person, Ideal, Concept, or Thing)
Moral Philosophy - Good or Neutral
At least one of these needs to apply directly to the Elsir Vale (local forest, lord is here, etc). Multiples may give you multiple options.
Some potential communities and lords
Brindol (small city)
Lord Kerdan Jarmaath (lord of Brindol)
Dennovar (small city)
High Councilor Nindel Thorn (leader of Dennovar)
Drellin's Ferry (small town)
Townspeaker Norto Wiston (leader of Drellin's Ferry town council)
Hammerfist Holds (large town, dwarven)
Othrek Hammerfist (clanlord of Hammerfist clan)
Hillwatch (tiny hamlet)
Marthon (small town)
Nimon Gap (tiny hamlet)
Prosser (village)
Red Rock (small town, mining)
Talar (small town)
Lord Neston (former lord of Talar, now dead, daughter now leads town)
Witchcross (large village)
Adranna the Young, Eth Speaker (leader of druids called the Keepers of Eth)
Tiri Kitor Encampments (small town, elf)
Speaker Sellyria Starsinger (leader of the Tiri Kitor Tribe)
Places that could be potential Loves
The Blackfens (wetlands)
Elsir River
Lake Rhestin (shallow lake, former home of the Rhestin Kingdom)
Rhest (half drowned ruin sinking into the Blackfens)
The Witchwood (lush, wet woodland)