Occult Scientist


The world of the Thule has so much unexplained phenomena—and if you have your way, it won’t be unexplained for long. Your theories reached further than your mentors thought prudent, and they decried your conclusions. You’ll show them.

They’ll rue the day they mocked you, because you understand the esoteric underpinnings of reality better than even the wisest sages, and you see connections where others see only isolated details. Maybe you cut corners in your research, and maybe you don’t have time to kowtow to the “noble patrons” and “eminent sages” in your field. There’s no time! You have a lot to discover—and a lot to prove.

Wizards and warlocks are naturals for the occult scientist background, but any character with a modicum of intelligence and spellcasting can hear the call of occult science. Humans, Atlanteans, elves (especially urban ones), and dwarves all have their nonconformist scientists.

Key Identity: Wizards, warlocks, bards, clerics (especially clerics who favor necromantic arts).


No two scientists are the same, and no two scientists gain power and knowledge in the same way. But right off the bat you’ll be uncommonly well-informed. (You were never the sort to stick to the instructor’s suggested reading list, and you think “syllabus” means “out-of-date and irrelevant topics to be avoided.”)

As your studies sharpen your mind and you probe the greater mysteries of the universe, you’ll eventually need a specialized place to engage in research, study, and meditation. And what sort of occult scientist would you be if you were washing out your own flasks and re-shelving your own books? You can always find an eager young apprentice to assist you in your work.


Most of the world doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about you ... the fools! That ignorance fuels your explorations into exotic and forbidden fields of study. Over time, though, you’ll gain the grudging respect and eventually the admiration (or abject fear) of those who share your interest in a particular occult discipline.

There are few grounds more fertile for growing rivalries than academia, of course, and when you give academics access to world-altering spellcasting, suffice it to say that occult scientists don’t always limit their rivalries to stern rebukes during periodic face-to-face meetings. And some temples and civic officials might take a dim view of the experiments you’re performing near (or on) the local populace. These are the occupational hazards that every misunderstood genius must suffer in the search of sublime truth.



No mortal mind can fathom every facet of the multiverse (although the word “mortal” does suggest a loophole for the assiduous scientist!). Here are three possible fields for you to focus your study, but don’t let them limit you. Such limits are for lesser minds!

Ethereal Energy: You understand how others view the Ethereal Plane, but you think it could be so much more. The Ethereal Plane—and by extension the many worlds beyond Thule—can be an energy source, a medium of communication, and perhaps even a living entity. You want to understand every- thing otherworldly, building ether-powered vessels that sail between the worlds, obelisks that transmit eldritch energy from plane to plane, and other wonders undreamed of in this primitive age.

The Animator: You want to imbue everything around you with some semblance of life, or at least motility.A world where someone else has to open a door, swing a sword, or build a wall is a world you live in only reluctantly. You want swords that swing themselves, doors that open of their own volition, and an army of alloyed neo-golems to build the walls for you. There are many ways to build the machines that future Thule will need, of course—and you’ll probably be scouring the continent for rare materials, esoteric components, and strange power sources.

Unified Theory of Necromancy: Necromancers in Thule are a copper a dozen, but you wonder whether they’re just coasting on eons-old techniques. Many of the restrictions of necromancy seem arbitrary to you and ripe for challenge. Must one die to become undead? Can one become both living and dead simultaneously? What is the connection between necromancy and evil, and can that connection be severed? Moreso even than with most occult scientists, the villagers are going to hate and fear you. Make sure you keep an eye out for torches and pitchforks.


They called you mad, but that just shows how small-minded they are. You seek answers to the fundamental mysteries of reality, and you aren’t above cutting corners or sacrificing test subjects if that’s what it takes to make a breakthrough.

Skill Bonuses (1st level): You gain a background of Occult Scientist at +2 and can use it in a variety of checks when you’re speculating on the unknown. Your checks might:

  • Learn the source of strange magic pulses

  • Recall which lich's tomb you're currently defiling

  • Determining that the villager's nightmares are influenced by the Great Old One Tsathoggua

  • Figure out which of the appendages on the dead star-thing of Nheb emits the alluring lights

Ritualistic (4th level): You gain the Ritual Casting feat as a bonus feat. Once per level, gain a +5 bonus on all checks related to completing a ritual.

Personal Laboratory (8th level): Through either your own inventions or the largesse of a satisfied patron, you obtain a small domicile or run-down manor to use as your laboratory. Consult with your GM to determine its layout and location; it is sturdy, but made of ordinary materials, and contains appropriate equipment for alchemical, biological, or otherworldly investigation and experimentation. You also gain a laboratory assistant (hunchback optional) who will do your bidding but rarely leaves your laboratory. You can furnish or expand the laboratory as you wish, and under ordinary circumstances, it’s a reasonably safe “home base” for you.

Adventurer Feat, Mad Alchemy: Once per day, you can use a standard action to replicate the effect of a potion, oil, or rune of up to 100gp in value. It must be used by the end of the battle (or within 10 minutes, if not in combat).