The Stalo is the master of controlled combat manoeuvres. It is said that Odin himself taught the first warriors the ways of the Stalo, and throughout the centuries these skills have been passed down through the chosen bloodlines. The Stalo arts are deeply rooted in history, ritual and tradition. Fathers teach sons the art of chaining attacks with such precision that they culminate in a crescendo of unstoppable violence. Stalos also carry their tradition in the form of an ancestral weapon. This weapon has been forged to accompany a particular battle art-form. In the darkest hour of Ragnarok, many count on the Stalo's resolve to come to the rescue of the weakest and most downtrodden.
The Striker Stalo focuses on optimizing the attack chain they are delivering. They work hard to ensure each blow finds its mark and cannot be easily blocked by opponents. Strikers are at their most lethal when lashing out with a flurry of incredibly precise strikes.
The Stalwart Stalo has refined the art of group warfare. They are sought after for shield-walls as their skills are of great benefit to the entire warband. Most allies will fight close to the Stalwart in order to benefit from his expertise and techniques.
The Stalo known as the Keeper invests himself into the ancestral relic of his forefathers. Part warrior, part forge master, he hones the relic's properties to accentuate his fighting style. He understands its past, allowing it to guide his fighting style into something truly synergistic with his weapon.