Agent Provocateur d8
You’re a bad influence. Professionally.
Cover Story: When you lie about where
you’ve been or what you were doing,
spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset that
confirms your cover story.
Devil on the Shoulder: Spend 1 PP to dou-
ble Trick or Influence when persuading
someone to do something illegal.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Sneak, Trick
Alliance Spy d8
You’ve got your orders. What you do with
them now is up to you.
Alliance Agenda: When you’re interacting
with any Alliance personnel, spend 1
PP to reveal that you outrank them
or function at a more important level
than they do.
Espionage: Step back an Asset related to
surveillance, investigation, or intelli-
gence gathering in order to reroll your
dice in appropriate situations.
Highlighted Skills: Shoot, Sneak, Trick
Alliance Officer d8
You proudly wear the uniform of the
organization that brought peace to the
Chain of Command: Gain 1 PP when you
step up a Complication because of
orders you received from your supe-
Sir, Yes, Sir: Spend 1 PP to create an Asset
at a d8 to represent a specialist under
your command.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Notice, Shoot
Backwater Matriarch d8
This planet ain’t much, but it’s better than
not running one.
I Didn’t Expect to Be Hearing From You:
Step up your Social die for a scene
when you step up a Complication
involving someone you don’t like.
Go Get ’Em: Spend 1 PP to step up a Com-
plication inflicted by one of your thugs.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Shoot
Backwater Mayor d8
This town ain’t much, but you rule it with
an iron grip.
Teach ’Em a Lesson, Boys: Spend 1 PP to
step up a Complication inflicted by one
of your thugs.
Vicious Glare: Spend 1 PP to remove an
Asset from an opponent’s roll involving
the assistance of townfolks.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Know
Backwater Sheriff d8
One good man is all a town needs to keep
the peace. Sometimes, that’s all it has.
Playing the Bumpkin: Step back your
Know for a scene to step up your
Notice to catch a suspect off guard.
Only Law in Town: When you stand up to
a group of criminals by yourself, step
up or double Shoot or spend 1 PP to
do both.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Notice, Shoot
Blue Sun Agent d8
They pay you well. But they want concrete
results, or they will pull the plug. Your plug,
Corporate Payoff: Step up a Complication
to create a d8 Asset for another charac-
ter when that character agrees to help
you complete your mission.
Failure Is Not an Option: Step up a Com-
plication to step up one of your Skill
dice for one roll when completing a
vital part of your mission.
Highlighted Skills: Shoot, Sneak, Trick
Bounty Hunter d8
There are wanted men everywhere in the
’Verse and people who’ll pay good money
for ’em. This is what you do. You don’t
have to like it.
Tracker: Spend 1 PP to create a Quarry
Asset at d6. Choose your target; they
don’t have to be in your presence. You
may use this Asset in any rolls made
to track down and capture your target.
Every time you use it in a die roll and
fail, you may step it up by one. You may
only have one Quarry Asset at a time.
Cortex Sniffer: Spend 1 PP to use Operate
instead of Survive to track down a
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Fly, Notice
Brilliant Gunsmith d8
You’ve got a knack for being a tech wiz.
Guns make the most money, so you followed
the market.
Design Flaw: Spend 1 PP to step back a
firearm Asset (including a Signature
Asset) by exploiting an inferior weapon.
Genius Inventor: Spend 1 PP to create a d8
Asset when you fiddle with someone
else’s gun for a scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Notice, Shoot
Cattle Baron d8
Everybody’s got to eat. Ain’t nothing in the
’Verse like a juicy steak. ’Cept maybe what
folks are willing to pay for one.
An Eye for Good Folks: Spend 1 PP to cre-
ate a d8 Asset representing a servant
or ranch hand.
New Money: Step up a Complication
involving social graces to reroll a die.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Labor,
Company Magistrate d8
As a magistrate, you are the boss, mayor,
judge, and jury of this company town.
Company Contacts: Spend 1 PP to create
a d8 Asset that represents a company
specialist or resource.
Middle Management: Double or step up
Trick for a scene. If you do, take or a
Corporate Oversight d8 Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Notice, Trick
Con Artist d8
There’s a sucker born every minute. You just
gotta put your line in the water.
Instant Expert: When you try to pass your-
self off as an expert, take or step up a
Web of Lies Complication to double
Trick for the roll.
The Stall: When you act as a distraction for
another Crewmember’s Action, spend
1 PP to step up or double the die you
lend to them.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Perform, Trick
Contract Miner d8
Pulling ore out of the ground—or out of
floating rocks—isn’t a vocation for the
weak. Every rutting day is a battle against
the elements.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Spend 1 PP to
ignore a Complication for a die roll that
includes one of your highlighted Skills.
Company Ties: Gain 1 PP when your con-
tract or agreement with the mining
company forces you to make an unfa-
vorable or unwanted choice.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Operate, Survive
Core Surgeon d8
You’ve studied at the best medical academy
in the Core. No one is doing to die on your
Dedicated Effort: Spend 1 PP to step up
or double Focus for the duration of
a Timed Action that relies on manual
dexterity and endurance, such as an
extended surgery.
No Time for the Rules: When you throw
caution to the wind and break the rules
to try to keep a patient alive, gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Operate, Treat
Cortex Technician d8
Waves in the black don’t just happen. From
world to world, you’ve made sure nobody
stops the signal.
I’m Working Here: Spend 1 PP at the
beginning of a Timed Action involving
communications, data, or computer
equipment. For each of your rolls
during the Timed Action, you may
reroll any die that comes up 1 instead
of accepting a Plot Point for that die.
If a die comes up as a 1 when rerolled,
it may not be rerolled a second time.
In the Loop: You may spend Plot Points for
anyone with whom you are in direct
contact via a communications network.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Dockyard Worker d8
So many folk come and go at a spacedock,
it’s like a daily class in other cultures. It’s
also gorramn drudgery and pays almost
nothing, so why not keep an ear open?
Cosmopolitan: Spend 1 PP to add a Spe-
cialty in a different culture to your
Crew Sheet for a scene.
Unsavory Element: When you create
an Asset or take a Complication that
relates your less-than-cultured social
group of workers, smugglers, and
inspectors, step it up.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Labor, Operate
Engineer D8
There are a lot of laws you follow. Newton’s
second, for example.
Applied Physics: When you have the time
to calculate the trajectory of your
throw, spend 1 PP to double Throw
for a roll.
Rush Job: During a Timed Action that
requires repairs or construction, you
may take or step up a Shoddy Work-
manship Complication to add an extra
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Fix, Throw
Farmer d8
Terraforming made plenty of work for you,
but it’s a rough life, whether it’s cows, corn,
or chemically-altered protein product.
Lay of the Land: Spend 1 PP to reveal a
fact about the natural world you’re
standing on—environmental condi-
tions, weather, or animal life—as a
d8 Asset.
Rugged: Spend 1 PP to ignore a Compli-
cation for a die roll that includes one
of your highlighted Skills.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Labor, Survive
Fed d8
You’ve got a crew, a ship, and a mission.
Apprehend criminals runnin’ to the black.
Bound By Law: Gain 1 PP when you arrest
someone with an outstanding warrant.
Field Work: Double Know or Operate for a
roll when investigating the scene of a
crime. Step back your Social Attribute
for the rest of the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Shoot
First Mate d8
You’re the captain’s right hand, but as often
as not you’re his fist.
Got Your Back, Sir: If your captain fails a
die roll in your presence, step up or
double your Attribute on your next
die roll.
Right Here, Sir: Spend 1 PP to join a scene
involving the captain that you weren’t
already in.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence, Notice
Gambler d8
The greater the risk, the greater the thrill.
You’re addicted to the luck of the draw.
Risky Business: If you replace your Skill
die in a roll with a d4, you get a Big
Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s
normal die rating if you successfully
set or raise the stakes.
All or Nothing: When you are about to
be Taken Out in a scene, spend 1 PP
to reroll your dice. If you fail to set
or raise the stakes on your second
roll, you cannot spend a PP to stay in
the fight.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Notice, Trick
Gang Boss d8
They are the best muscle money can buy.
Too bad you’re so cheap.
Menacing Growl: Step up a personal Com-
plication to reroll any pool containing
your thugs or goons.
What Do I Pay You For: You may lose one
of your thug Assets in your die pool to
avoid being Taken Out in a scene.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Trick
Gang Member d8
The ’Verse is a hard place. Folk stand together.
Rap Sheet: When you meet a law enforce-
ment agent, take or step up a legal
Complication to gain 1 PP.
Strength in Numbers: When you and your
Crew outnumber your opponents, step
up Fight. When your opponents out-
number you and your crew, take an
Outnumbered d8 Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Shoot, Sneak
Gentry d8
You’ve got a fancy title, probably a sash
to go with it.
Blue Blood: When you take a Complica-
tion that would besmirch your family
honor, you can step it up to gain a d8
Big Damn Hero Die.
Noblesse Oblige: When someone less for-
tunate than you asks for your help, take
or step up an Obliged Complication to
step up Focus for the rest of the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Focus
Gold Prospector d8
All that glitters ought to be yours.
Camp Life: When making camp in the
wild or a putting up a makeshift shel-
ter, step up or double Survive for the
Lust for Gold: When directly acting to get
more gold, step up or double Fight,
Labor, or Trick for the Action. Take or
step up a Gold Fever Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Shoot, Survive
Goodwill Ambassador d8
Experienced in matters of diplomacy and
decorum, you’re the best candidate to send
in to parley before the bullets start flyin’.
Speak Now, Or…: Spend 1 PP to go first in
a scene before any weapons or attacks
can be made. On your first Action, you
may reroll any dice that come up 1
instead of accepting a Plot Point.
Talking Points: If an ally or associate fails
a roll involving their Social Attribute in
your presence, step up or double your
Attribute on your next die roll.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Know,
Guild Trader d8
Your business is in moving goods and
services from one place to another under
Guild contract. It’s not as free as you’d like,
but there’s security.
Get Out of Jail Free: Spend 1 PP when
you’re imprisoned, locked up, seized,
or held. The Trade Guild springs you,
but they’ll ask you to do something
for them later.
Shadow of the Guild: Gain 1 PP when your
decision to go against the Trade Guild’s
policies, practices, or orders puts you
in danger or hot water.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Know
Handsome Ranch Hand d8
All that hard work in the fields keeps you fit.
Ain’t Broke A Sweat: Spend 1 PP to step
back a Complication involving hard
work or endurance.
Don’t Even Know the Word Flirt: Spend
1 PP to double Influence when you
are trying to charm or seduce another
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Labor,
Homesteader d8
You found yourself a home and a family to
fill it. Ain’t no one gonna take that from you.
Head of the House: When you work side
by side with a Crewmember, you may
spend 1 PP to step up or double their
Craft, Labor, or Survive for their Action.
Slice of Paradise: When you or a Crew-
member take a physical Complication
while on your homestead, you can
spend 1 PP to step it back and rename
it to reflect property damage instead.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Survive, Treat
Invisible Ops d8
I could tell you what I do, but then I’d have
to kill you and everyone on this ship and
I do hate making a mess.
All Access: When you attempt to bypass
physical security, double Operate for
the Action.
We Were Never Here: When acting on your
secret orders, spend 1 PP to step up or
double Sneak for an Action.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Sneak
Knife Fighter d8
Hold a knife one way, cuts through an
onion for dinner. Hold it another way, cuts
someone’s throat for upsetting you.
Deep Cut: Spend 1 PP to step up a Com-
plication you inflicted with your blade.
This Is a Knife: When you create a bladed
Asset such as a knife or a spear, step
it up to a d8.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Notice
Local Yokel d8
This land is my land, this land ain’t your
land. I got a shotgun, and you ain’t got one.
Hunter’s Instinct: When silently tracking
or hunting another character, step
up or double Sneak. Spend 1 PP to
do both.
Rabbit Snare: Spend 1 PP to create a d8
Asset when setting up some kind of
trap using your natural knowhow.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Sneak, Survive
Mama Bear d8
Don’t get between Mama and her cubs.
Cubs: Spend 1 PP to take a Complication
from another Crewmember. Rename it
as a Grudge against whoever inflicted
the Complication.
Mama’s Angry: Spend 1 PP to use a Com-
plication as an Asset in a roll. If the
Complication was a Grudge, step the
Grudge back after the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Survive, Throw
Master of Disguise d8
You’re more comfortable in someone
else’s skin.
Evil Twin: Gain 1 PP when someone you
are disguised as shows up to ruin your
Mockingbird: Spend 1 PP to step up your
Perform Skill when you are trying to
mimic someone’s voice.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Medical Student d8
Y’ain’t a doctor yet, but you’re the next
best thing.
Competitive Academic: When you fail a
roll with Know, step up Mental for your
next Action.
Still Practicing: When you try an operation
or medical procedure for the first time,
step back Treat to gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat
Mercenary d8
They don’t pay you to look pretty. They pay
you to shoot things.
Highest Bidder: Gain 1 PP when you try
to get a better deal than your current
contract from the side you’re not cur-
rently fightin’ for.
Time for Some Thrillin’ Heroics: Spend 1
PP to go first in any battle or combat
scene. On your first Action, you may
reroll any dice that come up 1 instead
of accepting a Plot Point.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Move, Shoot
Officer of the Law d8
You’re charged with protecting the people
and given the authority to do just that.
Public Figure: Spend 1 PP to create a
Respected d8 Asset when dealing with
the people in your jurisdiction.
Talk ’em Down: When you try to defuse a
charged situation, step up or double
Influence. Take or step up a Compli-
cation to do both.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Move,
Politician d8
You attained public office, acclaim, and
people’s trust. You have access to the
corridors of power, for what that’s worth.
Pulling the Strings: When you create an
Asset based on political or corporate
connections, step it up to a d8.
Promises, Promises: Gain 1 PP when an
agreement, vote, lobbying effort, or
behind-the-scenes deal comes back
to cause you grief or unpleasantness.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice,
Registered Companion d8
You have an active license in the Companion
Registry, which opens doors and brings
you business.
Inside Knowledge: When you create an
Asset related to an individual’s history,
biodata, or Cortex record, step it up.
I Know Your Ways: Spend 1 PP to step
up or double Influence when you are
attempting to follow proper etiquette
or put someone at ease.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Relentless Investigator d8
Just the facts, dong ma?
Bloodhound: Step up a Complication
involving higher authorities in your
jurisdiction to step up your Notice
skill for a scene.
I’ve Got Backup: When you create an Asset
based on calling in official resources
and support, step it up to a d8.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Know,
Researcher d8
The scientific method isn’t just for the lab.
It’s a way of life.
Eureka!: When you fail a roll trying to
gather information or collect data,
spend 1 PP to gain a Big Damn Hero
Die equal to your Know.
Hypothesize: Spend 1 PP to create an
Asset based on your current hypothe-
sis. Crewmembers who use the Asset
can spend 1 PP to step it up after a
successful Action, to a d10 maximum. If
any Action with the Asset fails, remove
it from play.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Fix, Fly
Saboteur d8
Sabotage ain’t just about breaking things.
It’s about breaking them at the right time.
Gremlin: Step up a Complication to
remove a gear-based Asset or Signa-
ture Asset from an opponent’s roll.
Two Steps Ahead: When you reveal that
you’ve already put sabotage into
motion, spend 1 PP to create a Sabo-
tage d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Operate,
Salvager d8
Folk leave all manner of valuable hulks and
crates floatin’ around waitin’ for you to just
swoop in and liberate them. Finder’s keepers.
Spare Parts: Spend 1 PP to turn a gear or
equipment-based Asset into two new
Assets. Step back the die rating of the
original Asset to determine the die
rating of the new Assets.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things:
Turn one of your Assets into a Com-
plication of the same die rating to
gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Move, Operate
Scary Lieutenant d8
When your boss says to break a man’s
legs, you already gone and picked out one
that you like.
Size Them Up: Spend 1 PP to use your
Fight die instead of your Notice die
when checking out an opponent.
Knock Them Down: Step back your Physi-
cal die for a scene to step up your Fight
die for a scene.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fight,
Scavenger d8
It’s everyone for themselves in the black.
Saboteur: Step up your Fix die when you
use a part that you took from a ship
without the owner’s knowledge.
Scavenger’s Eye: Spend 1 PP when search-
ing a pile of abandoned parts to find
a nearly working version of the part
you’ve been lookin’ for.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Operate, Sneak
Shady Business Man d8
You keep tellin’ folks you are legitimate.
Someday, they might believe you.
Fell Off a Truck: Step up a Complication
involving the authorities to create a d8
Asset that was acquired from less than
reputable sources.
Loan Shark: Spend a PP to pass off a social
Complication onto another character
who owes you something.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice,
Ship’s Captain d8
A natural leader, you’re responsible for the
Crew and the ship you all fly in.
Protect the Crew: When a Crewmember
in the same scene as you acquires a
Complication, spend 1 PP to take it
away and step it back.
Lead the Crew: When one of your crew
directly follows one of your orders,
spend 1 PP and give that Crewmem-
ber an Asset equal to your Influence
die rating.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Focus, Influence
Ship’s Doctor d8
Sometimes it seems whoever came up with
“First, do no harm” never had to deal with
the people you have to deal with.
Experimental Procedure: If you replace
your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4
for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero
Die equal to that Skill’s normal die
rating if your roll is successful.
Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back
another character’s medical or inju-
ry-based Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat
Ship’s Mechanic d8
A ship’s a living thing, no matter what they
say. You can feel when she’s sick, and she
makes you proud when she’s well.
Zen & the Art of Engine Maintenance:
Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a
Timed Action involving ship repair or
upgrades. For each of your rolls during
the Timed Action, you may reroll any
die that comes up 1 instead of accept-
ing a Plot Point for that die.
Miracle Worker: If you replace your Fix
Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain
a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that
Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Ship’s Pilot d8
The list of folk wanting to hire you is longer
than your arm. You’re just that good.
Born Behind the Wheel: Spend 1 PP to
step up or double your ship’s Engines
Attribute for your next roll.
I’ve Never Tried That Before: If you replace
your Fly or Operate Skill with a d4 for
your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero
Die equal to that Skill’s normal die
rating if your roll is successful.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Notice, Operate
Ship’s Shepherd d8
You don’t fix faith. It fixes you.
Taken on Faith: When you create an Asset
or take on a Complication relating to
your religious beliefs or convictions,
step it up.
Religiosity: Gain 1 PP when you spend
time sharing your faith with the unbe-
lievers or the lost.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Shrewd Patron d8
You run a business and are often in need
of discreet agents.
Haggler: Double Mental when haggling
over payment. Both 1s and 2s count
as jinxes on the roll.
Got a Job for You: Gain 1 PP when you
negotiate a business deal or hire a
crew to do a job for you.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Focus,
Teacher d8
Teaching is a great honor and a heavy
Thus Endeth the Lesson: Spend 1 PP to
step up or double Know for a roll. If
the Action fails, step back Social until
the end of the next scene.
Troubled Students: Gain 1 PP whenever
you offer to teach or mentor someone
in trouble.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat
Technologist d8
Where do you get all these wonderful toys?
Early Adopter: When you encounter a new
technological marvel, step back Focus
for the scene and create a representa-
tive d8 Asset.
Familiar Controls: Step up Operate the
first time you use a piece of tech that is
similar to one of your Signature Assets.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Operate
Top Secret d8
Officially, you don’t exist. Your job doesn’t
exist. Your boss doesn’t exist. Where’s that
leave you?
Covert Entry: When bypassing security
on a mission, take or step up an On
a Timetable Complication to double
Operate for the roll.
Flown Just About Everything: Spend 1
PP to create a Fly Specialty for the
remainder of the session.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Operate, Perform
Wudang Style d8
Also known as Practical Tai Chi. Being able
to be dangerous without a weapon in your
hand is pretty dang practical.
Fighting Spirit: Step up a Complication
created to avoid being Taken Out in a
fight to reroll your dice.
One-Two Punch: Step up a Complication
when you Take Out a Minor Gamemas-
ter character to Take Out an additional
Minor character.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
A Little Nervous d8
“Oh God, oh God, we’re all gonna die.”
On Edge: Step up or double your Focus
for one Action. After the roll, create
or step up the Complication On Edge.
Captain Obvious: Gain 1 PP when you
point out how dangerous, stupid, or
illegal the Crew’s plan will be when
they execute it.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know, Survive
Alluring d8
You’re easy on the eyes and cunning enough
to use those good looks to your advantage. .
Memorable: Create a Memorable d8 Com-
plication on yourself when tryin’ to
execute a cunning plan. Gain 1 PP.
Turn Heads: When you’re using your good
looks as a distraction to help an ally,
spend 1 PP to give that ally a die equal
to your Influence die rating for the
ally’s next Action.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Animal Lover d8
Treat ’em right and they’re more loyal
than people.
They Can Smell Fear: Step back a Compli-
cation involving an angry animal if you
walk toward it, unarmed.
Saddle Up: Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset
representing a trusty animal compan-
ion (most likely a horse).
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Move, Survive
Avaricious d8
Folks say you’re greedy. They don’t understand
that your retirement plans involve a big,
floaty island to call your own.
A Bigger Cut: When you demand more pay,
double Focus for the scene. Take or
step up a social Complication resulting
from your demands.
I’ll Take That: Gain 1 PP when you keep
something you promised to someone
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Focus, Trick
Backstabbin’ Git d8
You look out for numero uno. Everyone
else is just in the way.
Fickle Friend: When you change sides in
an argument, double Social for the
Action. Take a Traitor d8 Complication.
Getaway Driver: When you’re at the wheel
and being chased, spend 1 PP to step
up or double Drive for an Action.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Throw, Trick
Bad Reputation d8
Folks whisper your name when they see
you coming. And hope you leave as soon
as possible.
Intimidating Build: Spend 1 PP to roll your
Physical die instead of your Mental die
when using your Influence to scare
Don’t Get Him Riled: Step back your Notice
die to step up your Fight die for the
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence,
Big Mouth d8
Ain’t got no stomach for torture.
Loose Lips: Gain 1 PP when you tell some-
one everything you know about a
subject with minimal prompting.
Why Would I Lie?: Step up a Complication
to step up your Trick die for your
next roll.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Big Plans d8
Always working the best angle.
Milk Run: Spend a Plot point to turn a
Complication into an Asset.
Did I Forget to Mention That?: Gain 1 PP
when an important detail of your plan
“slips your mind.”
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice,
By the Book d8
According to section 5, subsection c,
paragraph 2 of the Federal Alliance Judicial
Standard Operating Procedure: Spend 1
PP to double Know for a roll when you
rely on your knowledge of Alliance
rules, regulations, and procedures.
This Isn’t in the Manual: When the GM
buys a jinx from you, you may step up
a Complication to gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know, Operate
Caring d8
You’ve a courage and tenacity in carin’ for
others that most folk don’t. You’re the light
in their darkness.
Heal the Wounded Heart: Spend 1 PP to
step back another character’s emo-
tional or relationship-based Compli-
Go the Extra Mile: While you are tak-
ing care of an incapacitated or grief-
stricken character, you or that character
may reroll any dice that come up 1s
instead of taking Plot Points.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Chatterbox d8
A lot of folk are afraid of a little conversation
but not you, you’ve got the gift of gab, see,
and if people want to leave it up to you
to carry the conversation, then that’s just
fine by you, ‘cuz…
Blather: Step up or double Trick for an
Action when you just keep talking. Take
or step up an Annoying Complication
after the roll.
Friendly Banter: Step up Social for a scene.
The next time the GM buys a Compli-
cation after you’ve rolled a jinx, step
the Complication up.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Cocky d8
You’re a smug, self-assured sommbitch
and you’re not afraid to say it.
Pride Goeth Before a Fall: Gain 1 PP when
your cocky attitude gets you in a mess
of trouble that you could have avoided
by being silent.
Confidence: Step up a social Complication
to step up or double your Social Attri-
bute for your next roll.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Code of Honor d8
To live with honor is difficult. To live without
honor is not living at all.
Honor Demands It: Gain 1 PP when you act
against your best interests because of
your code or make a show of satisfying
your honor.
My Word is My Bond: When you make a
promise to someone, spend 1 PP to
make a d6 Asset that lasts until the
end of the session. If you break that
promise, turn it into a d8 Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know, Survive
Collector of Fine Things d8
You like it? It’s one of a kind. Sculpted by
Li Xiao, you know.
Pretty Things: When you see something
you must have, take an Obsession
d8 Complication. When you acquire
the object, step up the first Asset you
create from it.
On Display: Gain 1 PP when you show
off your collection to someone you
probably shouldn’t show it to.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Notice,
Crude d8
You’re a little gorramn rough around the
Rough Talk: Double Influence when you’re
trying to intimidate or scare folks with
more sensitive proclivities. After your
roll, step up or create a social Compli-
cation affecting another Crewmember.
Obnoxious: Gain 1 PP when you choose
to disrupt, upset, or challenge the
social order of things when you have
the option of being mannerly or polite.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Labor, Move
Dead Eye d8
You’re cool under fire and a keen shot.
Quick Draw: The first time you set the
stakes in a firefight, spend 1 PP to
double Shoot. If your opponent raises
the stakes, step back Shoot for the rest
of the scene.
Take Aim: Step back Move until the end of
the scene to create an In My Crosshairs
d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Notice, Shoot
Dedicated d8
You don’t take much sitting down. You
have a cause that gives your life meaning.
Never Back Down: When you take a Com-
plication related to your faith in your
cause, immediately step it back one
die type.
Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat: Spend 1 PP
to add your Labor to your next roll
in addition to any other Skill you are
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Focus
Driven d8
You are willing to pay the ultimate price
to restore your good name.
Vengeance is Mine: Step up an opponent’s
Complication. Step up one of your own
Complications after the roll.
Single Minded Pursuit: Gain a PP when
you choose your goal over your own
happiness or well-being.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Notice
Eagle Eyed d8
Not much escapes your attention.
Trained Observer: When a Notice Action
gives you an Asset, step it up.
20/10: Spend 1 PP to double Notice for
a roll when you peer into the distance.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Notice, Throw
Fashionable d8
You attend the most exclusive parties,
dress in the latest fashions, and hire the
best Companions.
Clout: Step back Influence until the end
of the next scene to remove a social
I Don’t Wait In Line: You may spend 1 PP
to gain entry to an exclusive club or
party without an invitation.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Influence
Follows Orders d8
The boss gave you a job and you intend
to do it.
Don’t Think About It: When following
orders, step back Mental for the scene
to double your Physical for an Action.
Not My Job: When you try to lead a group,
replace your Influence with a d4 for
the roll to gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Fix, Labor
Free Spirit d8
You go where the wind takes you.
New Horizons: Step up or double Drive
or Fly when you first take a vehicle
somewhere new.
Unbound: Spend 1 PP to double Physical
when attempting to escape from bonds
or a cell.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Move
Heart of Gold d8
You may be rough around the edges, but
deep down you’re a good person.
Gruff Exterior: Gain 1 PP when you try to
scare off a new acquaintance or make
a rough first impression.
Softie: When helping a Crewmember,
spend 1 PP to step up the die you lend
them for the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Operate, Treat
Heart of Ice and dust d8
You know the old saying about cold hands,
warm heart? You’re the exact opposite.
Best Served Cold: Spend 1 PP to step back
any Complication involving your emo-
tions or personal relationships.
Every Man for Himself: Gain 1 PP when
you abandon an ally in a time of need
to further your own agenda.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Focus,
Here for the Party d8
Let the good times roll. Life is too short to
be serious all the time.
Non-Stop Party: Spend 1 PP to create a
d8 Asset involving good times, liquor,
or loud music.
Enabler: Double your Social die when you
try to convince another Crewmember
to blow off responsibilities in favor of
good times.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence,
Hill Folk d8
Ain’t everybody in the ’Verse keen on
civilization. You and yours lead hard, free
lives on your own.
Ain’t Got Time to Bleed: When making a
recovery Action to remove a physical
Complication with makeshift medical
supplies, step up Survive for the roll.
This is Our Land: Step up or double Social
when you stare down an interloper in
your home. Step up any Complications
that result from your roll.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Labor, Survive
Hired Muscle d8
You look tough, but looks aren’t everything.
Blunt Instrument: When you fight dirty
or use brute force to solve a problem,
step up your Labor or Fight until the
end of the current scene. Step back
Social until the end of the next scene.
Looming Shadow: When you rely on your
imposing size to intimidate someone,
use Physical instead of Social. Both
1s and 2s count as jinxes on the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Labor, Notice
Holds a Grudge d8
An elephant never forgets. Anyone calls
you an elephant, you’ll dent their brainpan.
Got What’s Comin’ to Ya: Step up a Com-
plication to step up your Shoot die
when you’re aiming at someone who
wronged you.
The Pain Don’t Matter: Spend 1 PP to
ignore a Complication for one Action;
step up the Complication after the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Honest Man d8
Honest as the day is long.
Deep Cut: Gain 1 PP when your honesty
hurts someone close to you.
Tough Love: Spend 1 PP to step up your
Treat when you attempt to remove
mental Complications by tellin’ folks
the truth about ugly situations.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Idealist d8
We can be better than we are now. Others
scrape by, we push to make the ’Verse a
better place.
A Better Tomorrow: Step up a social Com-
plication to gain a d8 Big Damn Hero
Lead by Example: When you take a Com-
plication while standing up for your
beliefs, step up a Crewmember’s Attri-
bute die on their next Action.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Survive, Treat
Intuitive d8
You ain’t a reader, not as such. But the way
folk carry themselves, how they move, that’s
the language you speak.
Now Is Not Your Time: When someone
tries to attack you the first time in a
scene, spend 1 PP to instead make
them set the stakes against a Social +
Influence intimidation Action. If you
raise the stakes, they cannot attack
you until you roll a jinx.
Take Measure: When you come into con-
flict with someone for the first time,
you may attempt to size them up with
a Mental + Know Action. Create a Sized
Up d8 Asset if you succeed or take
an Overconfident d8 Complication if
you fail.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Iron-Fisted d8
I don’t give one gorramn bit how dangerous
it is. Get those miners back down the shaft
or you’re fired!
Steely Gaze: Step back Social for the rest
of the scene to step up Focus for the
rest of the scene.
Taskmaster: Double Influence when
throwin’ the weight of your office
around. At the start of the next scene,
take or step up a social Complication
that represents the backlash from your
hard ways.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Know It All d8
Look, smarty pants, if we wanted schoolin’,
we’d have gone to school.
Book Learnin’: Double your Know when
you have access to informational
resources (the Cortex, an encyclopedia,
etc.) and the time to use them.
Pedantic: Gain 1 PP when you correct
someone at an inappropriate juncture
or tell the crew a fact about a problem
that is interesting but not useful.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Treat
Low Down, Dirty d8
Corrupt is such a strong word, don’t you
think? You prefer “enterprising.”
Illicit Dealings: Gain 1 PP when you take
a bribe or deal in illegal merchandise.
Tarnished Authority: Double Influence
when you abuse your authority. Take
or step up a Corruption Complication
after the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Shoot, Sneak, Trick
Not to be Crossed d8
Just so we’re clear: if you cross me, I will
end you.
Fair Warning: Step up or double Influ-
ence when you use the weight of your
intimidating reputation. Both 1s and 2s
count for jinxes on the roll.
To the Edge of the Black: When you pursue
someone who crossed you into obvious
danger, create a d8 Asset for the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Survive, Trick
On a Different Level d8
People aren’t up to your speed. The
conversation you’re actually having is
very different from the one they think
they’re having.
Two Meanings: Gain 1 PP when you
withhold information from someone
through euphemism and double-talk.
We Don’t Have Time for This: During a
Timed Action, you may reroll a die in
a failed Trick roll by taking or step-
ping up an Evidence We Were Here
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Know,
One with the Shadows d8
Fight fair? Honey, why would I do that?
Get in Position: If you replace your Sneak
with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big
Damn Hero Die equal to your Sneak
rating if your roll is successful.
Sniper: Spend 1 PP to enter a scene hid-
den and in a position to do some harm.
Take or step up a Complication repre-
senting a tenuous or precarious posi-
tion to create a Sniper Nest d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Shoot, Sneak
Ooh-Rah d8
There’s nothing better than a good fight.
Grenadier: Double Throw when hurling
an explosive. Take a Ringing Ears d8
Complication after the roll.
Hail of Bullets: When you Take Out a GMC
with a Shoot Action, take or step up a
Complication to automatically Take Out
another from the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Shoot, Throw
Proselytizer d8
I tell you, good people, that the Lord awaits
in heaven for the righteous!
Sermonize: Step up Influence for an
Action when you preach. Take or step
up an Unbelievers Complication if the
Action fails.
The Lord Provides: When tending to some-
one who is spiritually lost or hurt,
spend 1 PP to step up Treat for a scene.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Know,
Scrapper d8
You’ve been in more tussles than you can
count. Won most of ’em, too.
Sucker Punch: Double Fight for the first
round of an Action Order. Take or step
up a social Complication after the roll.
Victorious: When you Take Out a Major
GMC, spend 1 PP to step back a phys-
ical Complication twice.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Labor, Move
Smooth Talker d8
You can talk your way out of a life sentence
or into a locked room. Just don’t make
promises you can’t keep.
Gift of Gab: Spend 1 PP to double your
Influence die for your next roll.
Start Fresh: Spend 1 PP at the beginning
of a scene to step back all of your
social or mental-based Complications.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Know,
Something to Prove d8
You may not look tough, but you’ve got steel
inside waiting to come out. You’ll show ’em.
Big Man with a Gun: Gain 1 PP when you
needlessly escalate a conflict, such as
pulling a gun in a fistfight or attacking
someone who verbally threatens you.
Bushwhacker: Spend 1 PP to double Sneak
when setting an ambush on someone
who’s beaten you in a fight prior to
the ambush.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Sneak
Sore Loser d8
They cheated! You weren’t ready! The sun
was in your eyes! Double or nothing!
Sulk: Step up a Complication gained in
a contest you lost fair and square to
gain 1 PP.
Cheat to Win: Create a d8 Asset of your
choice when you openly cheat or lie
to win a contest.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Focus
Spoiled Dandy d8
You grew up with a proverbial silver spoon
in each hand and never wanted for anything.
Some folks think you don’t know the value
of anything.
Dapper Gent: Gain 1 PP when you protest
a task or job you feel is undignified or
below your station.
Wild Ride: When you drive recklessly, dou-
ble Drive for the roll. Take a Reckless
d8 Complication after the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Trick
Stalwart Friend d8
You can count on me so long as stars burn
in the black.
Kind Words: Once per scene when you
take the time to comfort a friend,
spend 1 PP to step back a friend’s
emotional Complication.
Side by Side: Gain a d8 Big Damn Hero
Die when you expose yourself to risk—
social or physical—for a friend.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Notice, Treat
Steady d8
It takes a lot to throw you off-balance.
Got It in One: Spend 1 PP to roll your
Focus and add it to your total.
Sea of Calm: Spend 1 PP to use a Compli-
cation as an Asset for one Action; step
up the Complication afterward.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Notice, Sneak
Steely Reserves d8
People think you’re a pushover. They’re
always a mite surprised when you don’t bend.
Not Today: When you take a Complication
to stay in a fight, you can spend 1 PP
to double an appropriate Attribute in
your next roll.
Undeniable: When standing up for your
beliefs or Crew, spend 1 PP to double
Focus for a roll.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Shoot, Survive
Strong, Silent Type d8
You’re big, strong, and you follow orders. You
get trusted with valuable things of all sorts.
Silent Protector: Gain 1 PP when you do
what’s best for your charge, not your
Get Behind Me: Step up a Complication
involving your charge to step up an
Asset from a d6 to a d8.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Notice, Shoot
Superstitious d8
You take extra care to stay lucky and keep
the spirits happy.
Fickle Fortunes: Spend 1 PP to create a
Lucky d8 Asset. If you use this Asset
and lose the roll, change it to an
Unlucky Complication of the same
die size.
Lucky Number 3: When you roll exactly
three jinxes in a single roll, you may
reroll all your dice.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Survive,
Sweet & Cheerful d8
It doesn’t seem like there’s a power in the
’Verse that can keep you from being cheerful.
Good-Natured: Spend 1 PP to step up or
double your Social die when you’re
using your friendly manner to resolve
a tense situation.
Straight-Shooter: Gain 1 PP when you
openly tell the truth even though it
might be to your greater benefit to lie
or conceal it.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Treat,
Temper d8
Some say you’re a mite testy when you’re
courtin’ bad news. Truth is, you’re a mite
testy all the time.
Anger Issues: Gain 1 PP when you make a
bad decision on account of the chip on
your shoulder or your short fuse gets
you in trouble.
Seein’ Red: Spend 1 PP to use a Complica-
tion as an Asset for one Action; step up
the Complication afterward.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Throw
Tough as an Old Leather Boot d8
You built your empire with your own hands.
You may be a rich man now, but you’re still
the same sumbitch on the inside.
Hard Bargain: Spend 1 PP to step back
a Complication during a negotiation.
Singin’ the Blues: Gain 1 PP when you step
back your Social die during a roll due
to your melancholy over what you lost
to get where you are.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
True Faith d8
Shepherds aren’t the only people in the
’Verse who believe in a higher power.
Lost in Prayer: Step down your Social die
for a scene to step up your Mental die.
Test of Faith: Step up a Complication to
step up your Focus die for your next
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Unprincipled d8
You’d sell your own mother to the Reavers
to make some coin. Your pappy you’d
throw in for free.
Looking Out For Number One: Reroll all
dice in a roll. On the reroll, all dice
that roll 1s or 2s are considered Com-
Curse Your Sudden, But Inevitable Betrayal:
When you betray an ally, gain 1 PP and
double the highest Complication die in
the ally’s roll.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Survive,
Well-Mannered d8
You’re polite, genteel, and unassuming.
Best Foot Forward: When you try to estab-
lish a good first impression with a
Social Action, gain a d8 Big Damn Hero
Die if you win the roll. If you fail the
roll, take a Faux Pas d8 Complication.
Kill ’em With Kindness: When you set
the stakes against intimidation by
smoothing over the issue or flattering
an aggressor, step up Focus for the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Wit’s End d8
Things ain’t been good lately. Now you’re
getting pretty desperate.
Bad to Worse: When you take a Compli-
cation that starts at d8 or higher, you
may step it up to gain 1 PP.
Cornered: When you have a d10 or higher
Complication, you may double Shoot
for a roll. If you do, you cannot take
a Complication to avoid being Taken
Out on that roll.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Shoot, Sneak
Yee-haw!!!! d8
If a plan don’t involve explosions, jumping
off a building, and laughing while the law
chases you, it ain’t a plan worth doing.
Double Down: Double your largest die
in a pool before you roll. Step up a
Complication to that die type or create
one equal to that die type.
Cut Both Wires: Step up one of your Com-
plications to reroll a die after you’ve
rolled. On your next roll, both 1s and
2s count for Complications.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fight, Shoot
A Lawyer’s Dream d8
You are surrounded by lawyers. Just as
scary as gunmen and they are usually
better mannered.
Litigious: Gain 1 PP when you threaten to
sue someone out of house and home
for a minor reason.
One Call, That’s All: Spend 1 PP to step
back a Complication when you pass
the problem off to your lawyers.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Big ’Un d8
Sure, you’ve packed on a few pounds, but
there’s no gravity out in the black.
More to Love: Spend 1 PP to step up your
Social die for a scene when you make
light of your physical condition.
Tight Squeeze: Gain 1 PP when you can’t
get into, or out of, an area because of
physical limitations.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Trick
Blind as a Bat d8
Y’ain’t much good without your glasses,
Keen Ears: When you rely only on your
hearing, step up Notice for the roll.
Myopic: Gain 1 PP when your poor vision
causes trouble for you or the Crew.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Know,
Brain Leech d8
There’s a wealth of information all around
you. It’s in the heads of the people you know.
Big Help: When a Crewmember gives you
a die to help you for a roll, you can
replace it with a d4. If your roll is suc-
cessful, gain a d8 Big Damn Hero Die.
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Once per
scene, you may spend 1 PP to use the
Skill of a Crewmember in the scene
instead of your own. After the roll, take
or step up a Complication to reflect
their memories getting mixed up with
your own.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Focus, Notice
Brothers d8
Nothing can come between you and your
brother. ’Cept maybe girls. Or liquor. Or
cards. Or….
Squabblin’: Gain a PP when you spend
a scene arguing with your brother
instead of the task at hand.
Thick as Thieves: When you share a scene
with your brother, you may share Plot
Points with one another.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence,
Child Prodigy d8
Your parents didn’t know what to do with
you, other than enroll you in the best schools,
and wonder at your potential.
Eidetic Memory: Spend 1 PP to roll your
Know Skill and add it to your total
once per scene.
Exceptional Talent: Step up an existing
Complication to step up or double a
Skill in a non-combat situation.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Dancer d8
Anyone can shuffle their feet to a beat. A
true dancer exists as beauty through motion.
Enticing: When you perform before an
audience, spend 1 PP and name some-
one who is watching. That person will
seek you out after the show.
Grand Jeté: When you take cover or move
quickly to avoid being hurt, step up or
double Move for the Action. If you lose
the roll, step back Move for the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Move, Perform
Debt d8
You’re in deep, and it’s a hole you can’t
climb out of easily. But for the time being,
you’ve got resources.
Something Borrowed: When you create an
Asset by spending money to purchase
goods or services, step it up.
Pay It Forward: When you use your finan-
cial resources on behalf of another,
spend 1 PP to create an appropriate
d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Notice, Trick
Decorated d8
You came back from the War with a medal
and a story. You’re not sure if it was worth
the cost.
You’re a Gorramn Hero: Spend 1 PP to
double your Social when dealing with
anyone who served on your side.
Guilt: Create a Guilt d8 Complication
when details of the event that got
you your medal come back to haunt
you. Gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence,
Done Time d8
You’ve done time in the pokey. It may have
changed you, but you didn’t break.
Keep Your Head Down: When you take a
social Complication, step it back by
stepping back Influence for the scene.
Breaking Rocks: At the beginning of a
Timed Action where endurance is a key
factor, spend 1 PP to double Labor for
the Timed Action.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Labor, Sneak
Drunk d8
The demon in the bottle drags you in every
time. You like to refer to it as having an
expertise in beverages; others like to refer to
it as a serious problem. One of you is right.
Functional Alcoholic: Start every Episode
with a Drunk d6 Complication. Step
it up to reroll a die on a failed Action.
Once it exceeds d12, you are out until
given medical treatment.
Gaps in Memory: Gain 1 PP to reveal
that you don’t remember or recall the
events of a previous scene in which
you had an active Drunk Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Move,
Duelist d8
There is an art to honorable combat and
you’re a veritable Picasso of the form.
Code Duello: When you take a Compli-
cation that implies a slight upon your
honor, you may issue a challenge to a
duel and give your opponent a Chal-
lenged to a Duel d8 Complication.
Mano a Mano: When outnumbered, step
back Fight. When facing a single oppo-
nent, step up or double Fight.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Move, Perform
Elderly d8
You’ve got as many aches and pains as
there are stars in the sky.
Old War Wound: Gain 1 PP when you step
back your Physical die for a scene as
an old injury acts up.
Forgetful: Gain 1 PP when you step back
your Mental die for a scene as your
memory clouds up.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Influence,
Everything’s Shiny d8
Don’t worry. Everything’s going to come
out shiny in the end.
Lightweight: Gain 1 PP when you choose
to get knocked out, drunk, or other-
wise affected by incapacitating causes
instead of rolling dice.
Lighthearted: Spend 1 PP to make light of
a situation and step back a Crewmem-
ber’s Complication on account of your
positive outlook.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know, Survive
Fall from Grace d8
That’s the problem with ambition: the higher
you climb, the longer the drop. You really
put yourself out there and now you’ve got
to start over.
Coping Mechanism: If you have a Compli-
cation at a d10 or higher, you may add
your Focus to any roll made to avoid
being Taken Out.
Out of Your Element: Step up a Complica-
tion you have acquired as a result of
being in unfamiliar surroundings, sit-
uations, or circumstances to gain 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Family Ties d8
Everybody is somebody’s son, daughter,
brother, or sister. You maintain a connection
to your family that is as important to you
as it is dysfunctional.
Family Gifts: When you create an Asset
or take a Complication related to your
relationship with your family, step it up.
Thicker than Water: Spend 1 PP and invoke
a family member’s name to reroll
your dice.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Filthy Rich d8
Money is power. Folk who don’t know that
are foolin’ themselves.
Leverage: Double Influence when you
bribe someone or threaten them with
financial ruin.
Only the Best: Spend 1 PP to create a d8
Asset when you acquire or make use
of new technology, high fashion, or
gourmet food.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fix, Fly
Former Companion d8
You trained as a Companion, but left that
life behind to follow your own path.
Old Habits Die Hard: Step up a Complica-
tion to double or step up Social for all
Influence, Notice, and Perform rolls
in a scene.
Fiercely Independent: Gain 1 PP when you
reject someone else’s plans to strike
out on your own.
Highlighted Skills: Notice, Influence,
Friends in High Places d8
The Alliance thinks highly of you. That’s
the only opinion that matters.
Our Dear Purple Friends: Spend 1 PP to
step back a Complication involving
Alliance scrutiny.
Let’s Just Forget This Little Mess: Step
back your Know for a scene to change
a Complication involving the Alliance
into an Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Know,
Friends in Low Places d8
Those of us on the Rim don’t have much, but
we stick together. There’s a power in that.
I Know a Guy: Spend 1 PP to create a d8
Asset when you call in a shady friend
with the skills you need.
Rumor Mill: When you try to get informa-
tion from your contacts, make a Social
+ Know roll. If successful, create a d6
Asset about the information. Take a
Half the Story d8 Complication to step
up the new Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Labor, Throw
Government Experiment d8
You don’t remember what they did to you.
Mostly. But now that it’s done, you can
never go back.
Meddled With: Spend 1 PP to step up your
Mental Attribute for the scene. Step
down your Social Attribute for both
this scene and the next one.
Two by Two, Hands of Blue: Create a Pain-
ful Memories d8 Complication to step
up your Know for the rest of the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Hard Luck Case d8
The ’Verse is a hard place, no one knows
that better’n you.
Nose for Trouble: Gain 1 PP when you
stumble into a situation you shouldn’t
be in or overhear something you
Trouble on Your Heels: When you are
being chased or followed out of a
scene, you may step up Sneak or Trick
when you roll to slip away.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Sneak, Survive
Harmless Looking d8
You blend into a crowd like a rock blends
into a quarry.
Couldn’t Hurt A Fly: Step back your Phys-
ical die to step up your Social die
when convincing someone you’re not
a threat.
Quick Change: Spend 1 PP to create a
d8 Asset to help you disappear into
a crowd
Highlighted Skills: Move, Sneak, Trick
Hitched d8
You ever been with a warrior woman?
In Sickness and in Health: When you
create an Asset or take a Complication
related to your relationship with your
spouse, step it up.
For Richer or Poorer: When you share a
scene with your spouse, you may share
Plot Points with one another.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Treat,
Invalid d8
You can’t get much of anywhere without
somebody’s help.
Ain’t Dead Yet: Spend 1 PP to use a Com-
plication as an Asset for one Action;
step up the Complication afterward.
I Can’t Get Up: Create a d8 Complication
on yourself related to your medical
condition. Gain 1 PP
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Leaky Brainpan d8
Folk say you ain’t quite right in the head.
Disjointed Perception: Take or step up
a Fragmented Mind Complication to
reroll a die when you fail a roll in a
social situation.
Unstable: When you threaten someone
with harm, step up or double Influence
for the roll. If you lose the roll, attack
that person immediately or spend 1 PP.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Shoot, Throw
Lifetime of Misdeeds d8
This sort of life has a tendency to catch
up with you.
Jack of All Trades: Take or step up a Sins
Of My Past Complication to step up
Shoot or Trick for the rest of the scene.
Trick of the Trade: Spend 1 PP to create
an Operate or Sneak Specialty for the
rest of the session.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Operate, Sneak
Mighty Hideous d8
You weren’t pretty to start, but then you
got yourself deformed somethin’ fierce. Now
folks try not to even look at you.
Look at Me!: When you get in someone’s
face, spend 1 PP to double Influence
for the roll.
You Call That Pain?: When you activate
an Opportunity to step back a physical
Complication, step up Fight or Survive
for the rest of the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Labor, Survive
Mysterious Past d8
You weren’t born to the life you’re livin’ now.
Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses
an information-based Asset against
you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No
Data Found Complication of the same
die rating.
Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a d8 Com-
plication relating to your history to
step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak
for a scene. This Complication cannot
be stepped back by spending PPs to
activate Opportunities.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Sneak
Never Learned To Read Nor Write d8
They never got around to building a
schoolhouse where you’re from.
Barely Literate: Gain 1 PP when pretend-
ing that you’ve read and understood
something gets you in trouble.
Underestimated: Spend 1 PP to ignore a
Complication die for an Action when
you try to catch your opponent off-
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
On the Run d8
Someone’s after you—Alliance, the Triads,
the Guilds, maybe all three. You’re a fugitive
and you’re trouble.
Hide in Plain Sight: Spend 1 PP to reroll
a die when you’re being pursued. On
your next roll, both 1s and 2s count for
Guilt by Association: Gain 1 PP each time
your actions cause your fellow Crew-
members to become targets for who-
ever it is that’s chasing you.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Notice, Sneak
Pampered Upbringing d8
Some would call you spoiled. When they
do, you call Daddy.
Daddy’s Money: Spend 1 PP to double
your Influence die when promising a
payout from your rich family.
What’s That Smell?: When you are out of
your element, gain 1 PP by stepping
back your Social for the scene.
Highlighted Skills: Know, Influence,
Princess of the Rim d8
You turned a nasty nickname into a reputation
for kindness.
Charity Ball Staple: Spend 1 PP to run into
someone familiar with you and your
charity work.
Heal the Wounded Heart: Spend 1 PP to
step back another character’s emo-
tional or relationship-based Compli-
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Reader d8
You know things you shouldn’t. Some call
you a witch. They’re just scared of what
you represent.
Secrets, Secrets: When you are in the
presence of someone who is trying to
keep a secret, spend 1 PP to discover
the secret with a Mental + Know Action.
If your Action fails, create or step up a
Paranoid Complication.
Psychic Flashes: Once per scene, spend
1 PP to create a d8 Complication on a
Gamemaster character by blurting out
a secret or negative fate.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence,
Secret Browncoat d8
Independents aren’t appreciated much
round these parts. But y’all know how to
stick together.
Identity Crisis: When you choose to let
the identity slip of one of your fellow
hidden Browncoats, gain 1 PP and step
up any related Complication.
The Walls Have Ears: When you create an
Asset based on things your Browncoats
overheard, step it up to a d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Semi-Retired d8
Despite your best efforts to get out, they
keep pulling you back in.
I Don’t Do That Anymore: Gain 1 PP when
you refuse to do a favor for an old
Too Old for This: Spend 1 PP to give
someone a Wanted by the Law d8
Complication when you call in law
enforcement with evidence of their
criminal activities.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fly, Trick
Shadows of the War d8
Not everyone serves their side on the front
lines. Not everyone left what they did behind.
Nightmares: Start every Episode with an
Exhausted d6 Complication. Step it up
to reroll the dice on an Action. Once it
exceeds d12, you are out until given
medical treatment.
Operational Flexibility: Double your Focus
when you are working to reconfigure a
plan on the fly.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Sneak
Sinister Countenance d8
You’ve got a flinty glare and an evil sneer.
Scare Tactics: Take a Frightening d8 Com-
plication to step up Influence for a
Typecast: When playing the heavy or the
rube, spend 1 PP to double Perform
for an Action.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Perform,
Sisters d8
No one understands you like your sister.
You’ve always stood together.
Dearest: Step up Treat when you help
your sister remove a Complication
before you help anyone else.
Shift Blame: When you take a social Com-
plication, spend 1 PP to step it back
and give it to your sister.
Highlighted Skills: Notice, Treat, Trick
Slim d8
There ain’t much meat on your bones.
Hard Target: Spend 1 PP to double Move
when navigating through a crowd or
diving for cover.
Wiggle Room: When you hide in a tiny
space, you may use Move instead of
Sneak to avoid detection.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Move, Perform
Things Don’t Go Smooth d8
Life sure seems to be a string of mishaps,
mistakes, and misappropriations. But you’re
still here, ain’t you?
Tough as Nails: When you take a Com-
plication representing an injury or
physical harm, spend 1 PP to step it
back or rename it as a mental or social
Trouble Magnet: Step up one of your
Complications to reroll a die. On your
next roll, both 1s and 2s count for
Highlighted Skills: Move, Notice, Survive
Trained Singer d8
Your voice is one of the sweetest things
in the ’Verse.
Private Audience: When you need to get
someone alone, spend 1 PP to force
their entourage to wait outside.
Perfect Pitch: When you fail a Perform roll,
spend 1 PP to reroll a die. When you
fail a Notice roll, take or step up a Sen-
sitive Ears Complication to reroll a die.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Notice,
Triad Ranking d8
You fought, swindled, and bargained your
way to a position of minor leadership in
the Triad. Only problem is what to do now
that you’re here.
Brutal: Step up one of your own Compli-
cations to step up a Complication you
caused another character to acquire
this scene.
Gang Warfare: Gain 1 PP when your crim-
inal background and deadly connec-
tions lead to violence against you or
your allies.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Influence,
Two by Two d8
You’re a pair, you are. Absolutely inseparable.
Did You Catch That?: When you and your
partner are actively looking to avoid
trouble, step up or double Notice.
Spend 1 PP to do both. Both 1s and 2s
count as jinxes on the roll.
One-Two Punch: When you use an Asset
created by another Crewmember, you
may step it up. If you do, remove the
Asset after the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Move, Notice
Undercover d8
Is this who you really are? Or are you
working for someone else?
Identity Crisis: When you choose to let slip
one of your former clients, gain 1 PP
and step up any related Complication.
Friends in Low Places: When you create
an Asset based on a seedy contact or
underworld connection, step it up.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Perform,
Veteran of the Unification War d8
It don’t matter which side you fight on, war
leaves a mark on your heart n’ soul.
Fightin’ Type: Spend 1 PP to step up
or double your Shoot or Fight when
you’re outnumbered.
War Stories: When you create an Asset
or take a Complication related to a
wartime flashback, step it up.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Shoot, Survive
Virtuoso d8
True virtuosity is rare in this ’Verse. You’re
more than gifted; you’re transcendent.
Music Therapy: When you play beautiful
music to soothe a Crewmember’s Men-
tal complication, you may use Perform
instead of Treat for the Action.
Stradivari: When you play your best
instrument for a public audience, dou-
ble or step up the Signature Asset for
your instrument for the Action. Spend
1 PP to do both.
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Perform,
Wet Behind the Ears d8
Folks say you’re naïve. It ain’t that. You just
grew up a mite sheltered, is all.
Easy Mark: Gain 1 PP when you are tricked
by more worldly folk or whenever
someone takes advantage of your
Optimist: Spend 1 PP to double Treat
when helping a Crewmember recover
from a mental Complication.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Fix, Treat
World Weary d8
You’ve seen a lot of things during your time
in the black and little is left to surprise you.
Been There: Create a d8 Asset when you
ask for help from an old contact. If
you use this Asset in a roll and fail,
your contact turns against you. The
Gamemaster will reveal why they set
you up for a fall.
Done That: When you tell a Crewmember
about a situation from your past similar
to the one you face now, gain a new
Specialty for the rest of the scene.
Take or step up a social Complication
reflecting your past.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Notice, Sneak