
The Druidic path has a long history and rich tradition. Practitioners span all of Midgard and different regions practice their own specific rites and rituals. From the Blodmanner wicker men of Hibernia to the Harugari wood-keepers in Zealand, each has their own organization and structure. Common to all Druidic sects is the high intelligence and discipline required for practitioners to master the wide range of disciplines used by the Druid. From a knowledge of ancient forests and distant stars to the understanding of music and history, a true master of the Druidic arts must understand the world and everything in it. Druids follow the way of the woods. Wood is sacred and has a spirit: knowing how to interact with it is a hidden art that goes by the name of Verwandlung and is the sacred property of the druid. Verwandlung involves a hierarchy of different wood which can be fashioned into wands and staves. Wielding the wand or staff made from that wood gives the druid powers associated with that grade of wood. Powers involve and encompass interactions with vegetation as well as with wild animals. The mightiest of druids become one with the land and have the awe-inspiring power of terra-forming: a druid can change desolate tundra into a verdant mountain range as easily as one dresses in the morning. Druids shun civilization and prefer to dwell in pure nature.

Warden of the Woods

The Warden of the Woods specializes in verdant magic that is both restorative and benevolent. The Druid strives to understand the land and the spirits who dwell within. He understands that he is the drop that wishes to reunite with the sea.

Child of the Stars

Some Druids have the gift of foresight granted to them by their attunement to the heavens. The Child of the Stars gains insight from the constellations and can easily share his knowledge with his allies. He is also an expert brewer of potions and ointments.


This Druid has specialized in the ability to assume animal form. This bestial form is a kindred spirit for the Animist. The special affinity allows them to exemplify the very best from that species.