
Nate - hates a legit who sold him into slavery, separated from family

Loyalty - guy who purchased and invested in him

dedicated to the idea of a family

Bryce - love the ocean (platonically)

beelzabufo - ancient totem frog

Jereme - cannibalism, vision quest

note to jereme:

  • as you put points into Locale, and thus know something about the island's flora and fauna

    • your people make an alcoholic beverage comparable to wine out of the sap of the palm trees

    • There are various seeds and leaves that your people use to flavor your foods. a couple help with preservation

    • Your people make canoes from a tree you all call inkuni, by burning out the logs of a particular kind of tree you can identify. it's quite tough wood.

    • there is one species of tree (called ukuphefumula) your people use for medical purposes. It makes a strong odor and helps with breathing issues due to disease.

    • There is another species of tree that is greatly prized. Slow growing, the scent of the wood lasts for many years after it is harvested, and is used by chiefs and especially their queens in jewelry. Shaman also grind it up and press out the oil for use in religious ceremonies. It is called imithi yomoya.

    • There is one species of tree that your people do not cut, because the wood defies your tools. The branches that are collected are extremely hard and heavy. This tree is called yentsimbi.

    • The chief drinks a drink made from the xocolatl fruit, a small, hard, and bitter fruit that is ground up to make the drink. you don't know much more about it, and have never tasted it yourself.

    • Your people use the sticky white sap from the ybos tree to waterproof your leathers.

    • Your very sharpest spears and arrows have tips made from a shiny black stone your people call elimnyama. Normally, you find pieces of it closer inland towards the central plateau (where the group is right now), but it's largely a chance find, and thus prized