RQ6 Hyborian Age

Dice rolling while not at game

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How to Make a Character

    1. Think about what you want him to be like (Mongol warrior, swishy poke pirate, hairy russian, etc)

    2. Pick a Hyborean Culture that matches as close as you care. you can also just ask me. But what would my game be without a bunch of flavor text that was ignored by the players

  1. Note the Runequest culture (barbarian, primitive, nomadic, civilized)

    1. Place your stats

      1. 90 points

      2. No scores less than 8

      3. No more than 2 scores above 14

      4. Of the two scores above 14, only 1 may be a 17 or an 18

  2. Pick your skills based on the Runequest culture

    1. 100 points

    2. have to have 5 in every standard skill for your culture

    3. have to have at least 5 in exactly 3 professional skills for your culture

    4. no more than 15 culture points assigned to any skill at this stage

  1. Pick your Runequest career (warrior, scholar, agent, etc)

    1. Pick your skills based on your Runequest career

      1. 100 points

      2. up to 3 professional skills. can be the same ones from culture

      3. no more than 15 career points assigned to any skill at this stage

      4. You may want to look at the Combat Styles.

        1. Note, you don't get all the traits, just one.

        2. They are cheap though- 2-3 XP one time, should be able to have one by the end of the first adventure

        3. Check out the House Rules

    2. Languages

        1. You get to add 20 Bonus points to Language (Shemitish)

        2. If you happen to BE Shemitish, you can add 20 Bonus points to another language.

        3. Otherwise, Language craziness as per Varangian game

    1. Assign 150 bonus points.

      1. If you are using the autocalculating character sheet, don't forget to do your age or you will get the wrong number of bonus points

      2. no more than 15 bonus points in any one skill

      3. for professional skills, you can only assign to ones you already have skill in from culture or career

      4. you can pick one professional skill OR combat style that you have no points in and add in bonus points as a "hobby skill" (oh yea, I took up alchemy on the side)

    1. Magic - Magic is mostly out of the book, please see the Magic Section

    2. If you want to play a ninja or something eastern (see Khitai), then you should check out my monk weapon document. These will be allowed until they are figured to be broken, but they probably won't be.

Play record