The Holy Fire of Mitra

Mythos and History

The Holy Fire of Mitra is a militant evangelical branch of the Mitran faith. They take great pride in being justiciars and holy warriors at the fringes of civilization. They are not always greeted with the hospitality one might expect, as their justice can be harsh. But anything to bring the Flame of Mitra's Truth into the heart of the masses.


According to Mitraic belief, each person is called to a virtuous life. It is the obligation of each individual to follow the tenets of the faith of Mitra, which include truthfulness, honor and trustworthiness. One of Mitra’s most potent aspects is as the Defender, protecting Hyborians from evil sorcery, most specifically from his ancient enemy, the serpent-god Set.


A monastic organization with a strong chain of authority.


Standard. Those of noble birth tend to have an easier time of entering the ranks above sergeant because horses are expensive and gifts are easier to give, but this does not prevent those of poor birth from joining.


In Mitra’s tenets, telling a lie or betraying a friend are mortal sins. Priests of Mitra must remain celibate and must abstain from all alcohol and mind-altering drugs.


Invocation (Mitra's Flame) or other Invocation specific to Mitra, Shaping, Insight, Oratory, Perception



Mitra's Flame

    • Protective Ward

    • Wrack (Cleansing Fire)

      • This fire is unique in that it leaves no ash on things it directly destroys. Things that are destroyed by secondary fires started or by spreading leave ash as normal

    • Abjure Lies


Allies and Enemies

Mitra is the sworn enemy of Set and his cultists