

The tribal peoples of Thule live in a world ruled

by beasts both small and great. The predator and prey relationships of Thule’s primeval fauna aren’t matters of mere academic interest—they are the

rules for survival in this primeval landscape, harsh truths that are written out anew every day in red ink. Most tribal hunters naturally concern themselves with becoming as skillful and efficient as possible in hunting their primary food sources, and avoiding the most dangerous predators that share their environment. For some peoples, this means taming wild beasts that can find, pursue, or flush out prey that otherwise would be impossible for human hunters to manage alone.

You are a loner, more comfortable in the silent company of a loyal animal friend than among people, who are complicated and unpredictable. You see things in the world around you that most others miss, and possess a seemingly supernatural ability to train animals of all kinds.

Beastfriends are almost always people who come from the barbaric or savage cultures of Thule. Learn- ing how to tame (or at least befriend) wild animals takes many years of observation and a keen under- standing of the world they live in, and those born in civilization simply don’t have the opportunity. Most human beastfriends come from the Dhari or Kalay tribes—the Lomari are too civilized, and the Nimothans view the natural world as a foe to be conquered. Halflings are especially likely to become beastfriends, since many halfling tribes rely heavily on well-trained animals for both hunting and war.

Key Identity: Barbarian, druid, ranger, rogue, halfling.


If you belong to a character class that provides you with an extraordinary animal companion, this narrative provides you with some extra abilities and talents that reflect the unusually large and savage beasts common in the primeval continent. If you are not a druid or ranger, then your animal companion is an ordinary natural creature such as a wild dog, wolf, raptor, or Thulean elk that you tamed and trained with nothing more than patience and tribal lore. Your pet may not be a fearsome warrior like the magical companions of some characters, but it can help you track prey, warn you when it senses danger you can’t see, and maybe catch an enemy off-guard or distract it at a crucial moment.


Even among your tribe, you are poorly understood. Some superstitious tribes mistake the talents of beastfriends for black magic and drive them out, while others assume that beastfriends are spirits in human shape or simply affected by a peculiar form of madness. Beastfriends often find more respect and friendship outside their home tribes, and are highly prized as trackers and scouts by those who aren’t worried about superstition.

You have few true enemies—beastfriends are relatively rare individuals, and are often inclined to stay out of other people’s business anyway. Your foes are determined by your native tribe, and may include slavers, beastmen, or savage raiding tribes such as the Kyran headhunters.


Beastfriends are most common among peoples that live close to nature—usually, tundra nomads or primitive jungle tribes. The animal you befriend and the tribe you hail from are important parts of your story.

Ammur Eagle-Caller: The barbarians of Ammurath sometimes train crested eagles for hunting and war. You were chosen to study this sacred art when you were young, forsaking your clan to join the brother- hood of the eagle-callers. It’s unusual for an eagle-call- er to leave Ammurath; why do you seek adventure in other lands?

Daraynian Scout: You are a halfling of one of the tribes inhabiting the Darayn Peninsula, on the southern shore of the Inner Sea. Beastfriends may be unusual in other lands, but many Daraynian warriors learn the ways of training battle-compan- ions and hunting-beasts; you aren’t all that special in your homeland. In a world filled with dangerous predators and hostile enemy tribes, the animal com- panions of you and your fellow Daraynian warriors help to even the odds in battle.

Phoorean Packmaster: Not all beastfriends win the loyalty of their animal companions through kind- ness and patience. The lash works too, and in Phoor beastfriends use pain and intimidation to break wild animals to their will. Phoorean packmasters drive bands of vicious hyenas or hungry wolves into battle ahead of their fellow tribesmen, spreading confusion and panic among the tribe’s enemies. Some packmasters choose to sell their services to the sort of employers who aren’t picky about who they hire, as long as they get results.


You don’t tame beasts so much as empathize with them so they gladly do your bidding. Animals provide you more comfort and companionship than people, in most circumstances, and the simple perspective of beasts is more pure than and preferable to the impulsive or distrustful actions of most so-called civilized people.

Skill Bonuses (1st level): You gain a background of Beastfriend at +2 and can use it in a variety of checks. Examples include:

  • Checks to handle animals

  • Checks to find or follow tracks

  • Checks to treat diseases caused by animals

  • Monster knowledge checks regarding animals and predators and beasts of the wild

Natural Understanding (4th level): You gain a +1 bonus when using your narrative for skill checks.

Lord of the Wild (8th level): You gain a loyal servant, in the form of a wolf, great elk, raptor, or similar animal. The beast shares the statistics of an animal companion of your level -3 (see the Ranger animal companion talent in the 13th Age core rulebook). If you already have an animal companion, you instead increase that companion’s level by 1. You can spend your recoveries on the beast’s behalf. If the beast dies in battle, you must wait until the next day to summon a new beast, provided you have an opportunity to find one.

Adventurer Feat, Animal Companions: You befriend animals small and large during your travels. Once per day you can call your animals into the fray, harrying your opponents and causing all nearby enemies to take a -2 penalty to defenses and attack rolls until the end of your next turn.You can instead use this ability out of combat to request a small favor or task from a beast or woodland creature, such as delivering a message to an ally, or scouting ahead.