
QTUG Members Should Join Division 5

QTUG Members Should Join Division 5:

Neal Schmitt

Department of Psychology

Michigan State University

E. Lansing, MI 48824-1116

Email: schmitt@msu.edu

As President of APA’s Division 5 (Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation), I would like to invite all participants (past and current) of the Quantitative Training for Underrepresented Groups (QTUG) to join our community of scholars – for free! Division 5 is one of the central divisions of the APA, and it is one of the key quantitative organizations where researchers and scholars at all stages of their career can come together to consider and discuss issues in assessment, measurement, statistics, and evaluation in psychology.

You may know that recently the APA Science Directorate charged a Task Force on Increasing the Quantitative Pipeline to address the critical shortage of quantitative scholars in the U.S. The Task Force instantly recognized that there are very few places for quantitative and measurement scholars to come together as a community. Division 5 was identified as one of those places, and we’re proud to be an active part of APA for over 60 years since L. L. Thurstone became Division 5’s first president.

We’ve provided a list of ten reasons why you might want to become a member (below), but one great reason to join right now is that we are offering free membership for your first year. (Thereafter, the rates are $9 for graduate students, and $43 for affiliates or members. Please note: You do not have to be an APA member to be a Division 5 member!!)

• Joining Division 5 takes about one minute! If you are interested in a free one-year Division 5 membership, go to the link below and complete the very brief bit of information.

Join Division 5 (Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation)! QTUG *

To the list of items below, I would to add that three of QTUG’s key organizers and supporters -- Dr. Lisa Harlow (past APA Division 5 president), Dr. Herb Eber, and Dr. Gwyneth M. Boodoo (incoming APA Division 5 president) -- have been extremely committed to building bridges between QTUG and Division 5. They have always strongly encouraged QTUG scholars to attend Division 5 programs at APA after the QTUG annual meeting and to be active members of this Division. It’s one of your professional homes, and we’ll like to welcome you to it!

Also, once you join, if you would like to help advance our programming, please consider volunteering for one of our divisional committees. We have several ongoing committees that would benefit from your ideas and contributions (e.g., a graduate student listserv hosted by the Division; assessment and measurement programs at the annual meeting, initiatives to further links between Division 5 and QTUG, helping with our newsletter, working on membership). The future of Division 5 rests on our ability to serve assessment and measurement-oriented scholars!!

Please feel free to contact either our Division 5 membership chair or me if you have any questions at all. I can be reached at schmitt@msu.edu; and Abigail Panter can be reached at panter@unc.edu.

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Top Ten Reasons to Join Division 5

1. Access to the field’s primary communities of quantitative and assessment scholars. Started in 1946, Division 5 was a charter member of the APA with L. L. Thurstone as its first president.

2. Connect with quantitative psychology and measurement-oriented friends and colleagues, new and old. Our members range in professional experience from beginning graduate students with interests in assessment and quantitative psychology to psychology’s top methodologists and measurement experts.

3. Access to the APA Division 5 listserv to post research questions, job opportunities, professional development issues related to measurement, statistics, and evaluation. Discuss assessment, evaluation, measurement, and statistics; Receive and post job announcements; Stay up-to-date on workshops or policy changes.

4. Participate in the Division 5 programming at the APA annual convention. Be a part of APA Division 5 convention symposia on topics of broad public and cross-disciplinary interest, such as legal issues in testing, standards for evaluation research, assessment, statistics, and methodological training of psychologists. Come and enjoy other Division 5 events – poster sessions, symposia, invited addresses, and social hours.

5. Choose one of APA’s top methodology journals when you pay for divisional membership! Psychological Methods is devoted to the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, understanding, and interpreting psychological data. Psychological Assessment publishes mainly empirical articles concerning clinical assessment.

6. Participate in discussions of how to promote high standards in research, measurement, and practical applications of quantitative methods in psychology and beyond.

7. Receive Division 5’s quarterly newsletter The Score, which covers current issues in evaluation, measurement, assessment, and statistics; APA news relevant to Division 5; job announcements; activities of Division members; and the APA convention Division 5 program.

8. Receive discounts and first announcements about methodological workshops and advanced training opportunities.

9. Get involved and contribute to Division 5 programming, governance, committees, and community building.

10. Join for free in your first year! Signing up for your year free membership to Division 5 is simple. Just take one minute to fill out the online form, and please feel free to pass the link to your quantitative and assessment friends/colleagues, no matter what stage of their career.

Join Division 5 (Measurement, Statistics, and Evaluation)! QTUG

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