
Dr. Richard Gonzalez

QTUG 2008 and 2009 Presenters


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Check out exciting opportunities (link). I would love SMEP/QTUG participants to apply for (and receive!) these. Contact me for help applying for any of these or other opportunities. Lisa Harlowlharlow@uri.edu

Richard Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Dr. Gonzalez received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1990. He is currently a Professor in the Departments of Psychology, Marketing, and Statistics at the University of Michigan. His research interests are in judgment and decision making broadly defined. He studies both normative and descriptive decision making using a variety of techniques including mathematical modeling, surveys, field observations, experimental lab studies and brain imaging. He recently extended decision making research to applied settings in product design and medical decision making. He also does research in applied statistics, which can be construed as a form of decision making. He was a Principal Investigator on 6 major grants, a Co-PI on 6 other grants, and published over 50 scholarly manuscripts. He served as Associate Editor for Theory and Decision, Editorial Board member for 6 other journals, and reviewer for 30 other journals.

Dr. Gonzalez enjoys teaching the graduate statistics sequence in Psychology, including Experimental Design, ANOVA and Regression; and Multivariate Statistics. His courses emphasize practical techniques for analyzing data and for understanding them at a conceptual and visual level, without overemphasis on the mathematics of the underlying statistical theory.
