
Dr. Ellen-ge Denton

QTUG 2009 Presenters


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Ellen-ge Denton, Ph.D.

Ellen-ge Denton graduated magna cum laude from Hampton University in 2003. She began her research career as a COR scholar which entailed serving as the Lab Manager for the Reactions to Victimization and Terrorism Research Project among ethnic minorities. Since then, she has been involved in several research projects such as: racism and cardiovascular risk factors among ethnic minorities, and foreign born versus native born cardiovascular disease. Research interests include multivariate experimental models in educational research within minority and/or international populations. Her dissertation topic is Teacher Self-evaluation, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Teacher Burnout: A West-Indian and New York Sample.

Ellen-ge Denton has completed her doctoral degree in School Psychology at St. John’s University. Her clinical experience varies from applying Cognitive Behavioral Therapies to children, adolescents, families, and psychiatric inpatients. She is currently a child psychologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia University Medical Center. She also lectures as an adjunct professor, in the school psychology program, at Long Island University.

Over the past 5 years, Ellen-ge has mentored inner city youth, through local church groups. She arranged and chaperoned college tours, advised youth in spiritual and academic counsel, and offered tutoring in Statistics. She taught grades K-8 in NYC Charter schools and for many years has taught dance to youth ages 5-15 years old. Her musical and academic talents will continue to contribute to the community.