The LLU (Lattice Logic Unit) - 2017


Instead of (or as an alternative to) PS2s established capture point system for conquering territory we would replace it with a payload style system which requires a lattice logic unit (LLU) to be brought to the capture point. This would encourage fights away from the facilities and truly make combined arms important. Note that this is different to the original games LLU system where it was a pure capture the flag mechanic.


As it stands PS2s game play is stale and has some core problems which often make it frustrating or dull. The constant cycle of ‘try to attack – fail - defend somewhere else‘ has changed the way many of us play to one of searching for a defensive fight to sit at while ignoring the overall territory capture game. I have done work on this matter previously (see The Front Line Initiative) but I believe that with a single overarching change we could make the game more interesting, dynamic and engaging for all players. One thing that really irritates me on a nightly basis is the pause after a successful defense, as what I hope will happen is that the attackers will counterattack or that the fight will progress into the field; yet it rarely happens. All too often the attackers redeploy to another front and I have to do the same if I want to keep fighting. Many others have thought about this in the past and VSWanter compiled a decent summary here.


Core mechanics:

  • All territories would still have one or more capture points

  • All capture points would still be connected with a lattice

  • A territories capture points must be captured before the base flips owners

  • To start the capture process an LLU must be brought to the capture point

  • Capture points would be captured with a timer where it must be held by a faction once the LLU is placed there

  • Once the capture point switches owners the LLU would spawn again and need to be taken to another capture point inside the territory if there are multiple capture points

  • If there are no other capture points, or it is the final capture point in the territory then the territory would switch owners and the LLU would need to be carried to the next territory

  • If the defending faction picks up the LLU they would have to take it to the opposing factions connected territory to begin the capture process

  • The LLU could only be carried on foot or in ground vehicles and only by a passenger and not as a driver

Multiple link details:

  • If a territory has multiple lattice links then multiple LLUs would spawn once the territory is captured

  • If a territory has multiple LLUs in the field and is contested (an LLU is brought to one of its capture points) then the LLUs in the field could not be used to contest other territories

  • If an empire brings multiple LLUs to the same territory from different lattice links then the base capture timer would drastically decrease.

  • If a territory is contested and another empire brings an LLU to a capture point then the capture would go to whichever empire holds the most capture points

Miscellaneous details:

  • Each LLU would have a specific territory it would need to be taken to

  • If the LLU carrier travels outside of the spawning or target territory it would immediately drop at their feet before leaving the territory

  • If the carrier remains stationary for more than 20 seconds the LLU would drop at their feet

  • The LLU would show on all players maps and minimaps at all times and would display the name and faction of the individual carrying it and where it would need to be taken

  • Overall territory capture timers would be removed but each capture point would take longer to capture, and that capture point’s timer would be shown on the map.

  • If a territory has multiple capture points then as many LLUs as there are other capture points would spawn once the first capture point is taken. This would help to spread the fight across these large facilities

  • Experience would be granted to all players near to the LLU when it is brought to the capture point with no bonus to the individual carrying it

  • Experience modifiers would be given to all experience earning actions around the LLU

  • This system could be brought in for all lattice connections or potentially just for some territories such as those territories that only link to two others in between the large outposts and facilities


These changes would mean that there is always an LLU in the world or a capture point being captured on every front. This would mean that there is always an objective in play so there is always something close by to work towards if you are ‘playing the objective’. As the LLU would show on player’s maps you would know where to go and also where it is going, allowing organised groups to set up ambushes and construction defenses to impede the LLUs progress and capture it themselves. As attackers holding capture points would no longer be the only objective in a territory spawn camping would be less of an issue as defenders would have longer to prepare as the LLU approaches and meet attackers in the field. Field fights would be much improved as there would be a focus to them rather than just a rush to get a Sunderer set up. With objectives in the field aircraft would have much more to do away from the AA nests that facilities often are. The change would also help drive teamwork as players work together to move the LLU forward. Also as the LLU would need to be taken from one territory to another a single player on a point could not scupper an attack or bypass the ground fight.

All in all I hope that minute to minute game play would be more objective focused, more interesting, more tactical and consistent.

Old Concept (2016)