Context Sensitive menu

The context sensitive menu is a tool that is hardly used in the game however it could be massively beneficial to the overall experience and would make squad leading a huge amount easier. It is a feature I wanted and suggested for the original game (see the old Command Overhaul, Phase 2) after playing both the first few Brothers in Arms games and Star Wars: Republic Commando.

Everything that can be should be usable through the held Q menu, currently it is limited to a few mostly rather pointless options for friendlies:

  • Add Friend.

  • Send message.

  • Ignore/Mute.

  • Request Transport (if they are in a vehicle with space)/Healing/Repair/Ammo.

  • Squad leaders then have the following extra options:

    • Invite to squad.

    • Set Priority target (this is currently broken so that priority targets cannot be put on friendlies and enemies, just control points and generators. This could be a very useful tool to get squads to protect friendly Sunderers or medics and focus fire on particular enemy tanks or Sunderers). Has recently been removed as it doesn't work. Extra XP for killing/healing/saving target if it did work.

Here are a few concepts to show what I would like to see added or changed:

Aiming with no player, vehicle or component centralised:

Note that the way point would be the squads coloured way point and the smoke would be the squads colour. The Move, Regroup, Assault and Defend requests would be visible on squad members HUD, mini map and map and would last for 30 seconds. Potentially squads could get extra XP rewards for doing things in the area, however I am not sure this is needed.

Aiming with an enemy player, vehicle or component centralised:

Note that the 'Request Fire Support' option would place a marker that all friendly tanks and aircraft can see for 30 seconds while the 'Priority Target' a target your squad can see.

Aiming with a friendly player, vehicle or component centralised:

Note that the Priority Support option would place a marker that all friendly players can see for 30 seconds.

The 'Set as buddy' option would put a directional and distance indicator on your HUD, mini map and map proper to help you stick together. Very handy for coordination, escorting vehicles and acting as wing men.

Note that the Request Transport request would change depending on the type of vehicle or class:

  • Medic - Request healing

  • Engineer - Request ammo/repairs

Oh and while we are at it, remove the auto follow thing, I hate adding people as friends who I don't even know.