The return of redeployside? - 2017


In the recent AMA on reddit the devs mentioned that they are going to revert the change made to spawn beacons that restricted their availability to squad members within 1000m. This change will be a boon for squads, increasing their cohesion, giving them more ability to respond to threats anywhere on the map and avoid ponderous zergs.

However, despite pushing for improvements to squad play for the past 5 years this change is not one I am looking forward to. I was one of the few who pushed for it to be limited in the first place, despite the impact it would have to squad play. I also do not regret pushing for it despite the difficulties it has caused me day in, day out as I led since it was changed in 2015.

The problems

I do not regret it as the limit was, and is, needed to close a loophole in the redeployside fixes that were made in that same patch (

If the change is reverted the following 5 problems will rise once again:

  1. Defensive overpopulation – one squad member spawns into a base before the 50/50 proportion limit is hit. They drop beacon so the rest of their squad can spawn in. In a small to medium fight this will usually be catastrophic for the attackers as they will be considerably outnumbered. That overpop will likely destroy the attacker Sunderers then probably zerg down the lane unopposed as the attackers will head off to a more even fight.

  2. Escalation of fights – knowing problem number 1 is possible attackers will purposely bring more people, discouraging those that would to even try defending. We often see this now with three point bases which are notoriously hard to take already.

  3. Stagnant front lines – with defence made easier due to the easier ability to overpop front lines will not shift so often.

  4. Bypassing of the field fight – All it takes is one player to move the whole squad, so why bother fighting anywhere apart from the cap room? Less fights will erupt between bases when the points are already being taken at the next base. Speed and stealth will be king and smart squads will have players in the next territory before the capture even finishes.

  5. No more air transports – see problem 4. Why bother with a Valk or Gal when a redeploy will get your whole squad there faster?

The solutions

Despite all of the above issues I was pleased (and I have to say mildly confused) to see players and outfits that I respect saying that they would play the game again if this change was reverted. Obviously some want this change reverted so perhaps there are solutions that will allow us to minimise the problems I raise above while still allowing for the improved cohesion and rapid movement that unlimited distance beacons facilitate.

To that end I suggest keeping the limit (as it allows for beacon use within 1000m regardless of any other rules) but adding these caveats:

  1. Can spawn on any beacons in an uncontested friendly territory or those where the friendly population is less than the 50/50 population cut off– this negates the first 3 issues raised above.

  2. Can spawn on beacons in enemy territory – this encourages attacking and I do not see any way to get around the fourth problem.

  3. Can spawn into any squad transport vehicle within 1000m or in uncontested friendly territory (as it is now) with the following tweaks:

    • any in a friendly region where the friendly population is not past the 50/50 cut off - closes this loophole.

    • any in an enemy region - this gives Galaxies, Valks and Sundies an equivalence to beacons when attacking and in some way minimises problem 5 while encouraging their use to attack.

These solutions are not pretty, but I feel that they would go some way to reducing the detrimental impact this simple change could make.