Spawning and redeployside (see my definition below) is one of the key issues of Planetside as it defines the pace and place that we play.

In the separate pages in this section see my various suggestions to improve the situation.

First I feel that I ought to explain some of the terms I use throughout this page and the subpages:

Hard Spawn: A spawn point which is tied to territory, such as spawn rooms.

Redeployside: The metagame of pressing redeploy after every fight ends to find the next one, often resulting in a wave of defenders emerging from a spawn room which washes away attackers.

Soft Spawn: A player placed spawn which can quickly be destroyed, such as a spawn beacon, Sunderer AMS or squad vehicle.

Time to Contact (TTC): The length of time between spawning and finding an enemy.

  • Spawn System (2022) - Proposal to address the lack of population controls introduced and the medley of problems that has caused.

  • Wave Spawns (2019)- Players spawn together in groups instead of when their personal spawn timer runs out.

  • Cortium Powered Spawns (2016) - Updated version of the original game's resource system.

  • Drop Spires (2019) - Unfinished concept which I incorporated into other concepts.

  • The return of redeployside? (2017) - My thoughts on the reversion of spawn beacons to have unlimited range again.

  • Skylance Bunker - (2015) - Idea to give attackers a hard spawn on the outskirts of bases.

  • Spawn Point Design (2016) - My thoughts on how spawn rooms should be integrated with the rest of the base.

  • Spawn Changes (2018) - Among more general changes 'Reinforcements Needed ' changes to place automatic public spawn beacons in the field between bases to cause fights to flow between territories and keep assaults going.

  • Spawn changes (2017) - General changes to spawning.

  • Redeployside (2014) - Cut off territories get harsh penalties to spawning.

  • Ticket System (2015) - Ticket based spawn system in a similar style to the Battlefield series.

  • Wishful Patch Notes - (2015) - Few spawn ideas to improve battles.