Embracing the Zerg

Unfinished Concept


Recently I had a revelation while trying to think of how to encourage better battle flow; the zerg already plays the game as I want it to be played. They take a base, then they push to the next one using vehicles. They do not redeploy. Their enemy can see them coming and get ready to defend, pick off key vehicles like Sunderers as they advance, set up orbital strikes in preparation, etc.

People stay in zergs partly because it is a safe environment to play in. There are allies to watch your back and follow, proving protection and guidance for new players. Veteran players avoid fighting them so the zergs opposition are often not only outnumbered but one on one comparable skill levels to those in the zerg, giving the zerging side an easier time.

Zergs form, not usually by design, but mainly due to fights spooling up to a huge size then ending due to one sides spawn points vanishing when the base flips ownership or the attacker Sunderers being destroyed. At this point the losers redeploy to another fight elsewhere, leaving the zerg relatively unopposed.


To embrace the zerg we should shift our focus away from reducing fight sizes (big fights after all are why most are here) and instead focus on keeping the fight going and kiting the zerg along separate lattice lines, spreading it out rather than it travelling along the path of least resistance.