Mission System Ideas - 2020


The mission system revamp has is designed to give individuals daily tasks and to encourage them to experience different roles on the battlefield, showing them the depth that PS2 offers.

However I feel that there is an important part missing from the system, which is a hard consequence to other players for some of the missions. Some missions have obvious consequences; setting up front line spawns will be beneficial to all, yet others are purely personal like that of Message Courier, where the only people who benefit bar the individual is those enemy vehicles that may be out in the field and looking for targets.

The mission pool available in this PTS update consists of the following:



Existing consequence

Proposed consequence

Transport Pilot

Ferry passengers to combat areas

Increase allied population in territory

Front Line Spawns

Deploy Sunderers on the front line

Provide spawns for allies

Cortium Run

Harvest and deposit cortium in allied Silos

Support construction players

Protection Protocol (NSO)

Defend your allies with the Defector's Seraph Shield

Allies stay alive a bit; feels like a pretty weak mission idea

Soldier and Shepard

Capture bases and earn experience leading a squad/platoon

Guide players to fights and provide a good experience

Bounty Hunter

Kill a bountied target

Stop a farmer...

Message Courier

Deliver communications intel from base to base in a Harasser

Change to scout regions and collect intel, feeds into a new red alert system

Mining for Elysium

Defend an orbital mining drill while it harvests.

Transport Stormbound

A campaign themed version of the Transport Pilot mission that sends you into the storm on Esamir

Increase allied population in territory

Supply Convoy Delivery

Form up at warpgate with a Sunderer/ANT, then travel to a contested base

Increase allied population in territory

Change to carry LLU to base from warpgate/linked base

Supply Convoy Protection

Earn completion by destroying or damaging enemy vehicles while near a Convoy vehicle

Increase allied population in territory

Supply Convoy Disruption

Convoy vehicles are flagged with a special indicator. Earn completion by destroying Convoy vehicles

Protect existing fight from increased population

Other ideas:

  • Construction build: Build a construction base in a certain location.

  • Support role: Earn support ribbons on the front line.

  • Begin a capture:

  • Defend a capture:

  • Bodyguard: Protect new/bad player.