Organisation and command is of massive importance to the game. It provides and nurtures friendship which are vital for the longevity of any game, especially massively multiplayer ones. Leaders provide content for others, making their play sessions more successful and rewarding if they are competent.

Planetside 2 has some great features that allow you to organise and coordinate. In many ways it is better than the original game, but there are some areas where it is lacking that if improved would allow players to lead both on a tactical and strategic level.

Command is currently broken down into squad and platoon leaders (UPDATE: And fire team leads). Squad and platoon leaders currently have identical abilities if the squad leader is also a platoon leader, however the platoon leader has an additional way point and that is all, and in fact loses abilities if they are not leading a squad.

Outfits provide long term grouping for players, and as such are the keys to the games success.

Session group - The groups players join for their play sessions; squads and platoons. As opposed to the long term grouping of outfits.

  • Buddy System (2015) - Like a mini squad, the buddy system would help a pair of players stick together.

  • Commander Drone (2016) - Defensive drone to protect leaders.

  • Commander HUD Updates (2015) - Selection of ideas to improve the HUD for leaders.

  • Commander Turrets (2014) - Commander placed turrets.

  • Command Overhaul (2014) - Early ideas to improve coordination.

  • Command Points (2016) - System which is now similar to the Outfit War Assets, but for session leaders.

  • Command Updates (2018) - Large piece detailing my thoughts on how to improve command, pretty close to my current thinking. Contains many of the other concepts here. Outdated due to the implemented War Asset and Mission system updates being focused more on outfits and individuals instead of session groups.

  • Companies (2015) - Details of the next level up from Platoons, with appropriate tools for the company leader.

  • Context Sensitive menu (2013) - Overhaul of the Q menu to make command more fluid.

  • Fireteams (2014) - First concept of fireteams, which later made their way into the game.

  • Finishing Fireteams (2016) - Some ideas to make fireteams better than what was implemented.

  • Improved Squad Management (2017) - All 11 versions of my suggestions, many of which made it into the game.

  • Leader Icons (2015) - Ability for leaders to see other leaders on the map, allowing them to coordinate better.

  • Leader Metrics (2015) - Ways of measuring a leader's performance.

  • Mentor Squads (2016) - Initial concept of mentor squads.

  • Platoon Updates (2015) - Selection of ideas to improve platoons.

  • Commander Pauldrons (2014) - Makes leaders visible on the battlefield.

  • Mission System (2015) - Thoughts on how missions could work following the discovery of mission icons in the game files.

  • Mission System Ideas (2020) - Ideas for new missions following the new version of missions entering the game.

  • Outfits (2013-2015) and Outfit Progression (2017) - A large amount of ideas to improve outfits.

  • Recommended Targets (2014) - Help for players to find fights where they will be needed.

  • Squad List (2015) - A series of images suggesting how the list of available squads could be improved, several of which made it into the game.

  • Squad Scoreboard (2015) - Change to the TAB scoreboard to show squads.

  • Steel Rain (2015) - Automated coordinated drop pod feature, now implemented through the War Asset system.