Mission System - 2015

The missions system was never finished - yet another Phase 2 that never saw the light of day. Yet it could be so useful it isn't even funny that is not in game in a state where players can set and accept player generated missions. I yearn for the day I can respond to an enemy armour zerg by slapping down a tank support and air strike mission. Or accept a mission that is really useful getting my guys where they are needed when they are needed.

Hanging around the game files are the following icons for the mission system that never was:

They have the names:

  • General

  • Reinforcements

  • Airstrike

  • Tank Support

  • Anti Tank

  • Air Superiority

Anyway here is how I want the missions system to work:

Group missions I would break down into different types for each sized group, including fire teams and companies as I have suggested. These are:

Fire Team Tasks able to be made, via the Q menu, as detailed here. Perhaps 100 certs to unlock the ability on the squad leader tree or perhaps not, why put a barrier in front of leading?

Squad Missions able to be created. 250 certs for squad leaders (perhaps).

  • Possible squad missions are:

    • Capture/Defend territory: 30% extra experience in a certain territory

    • Reinforcements: 30% extra XP for all actions in that territory for the first 5 minutes after arriving from outside.

    • Air Superiority: Destroying aircraft in a territory using aircraft earns 30% extra XP. Would appear specifically for air cavalry speciality (yeah it's a word, I'm English) squads.

    • Anti Tank: Destroying ground vehicles in a territory earns 30% extra XP.

    • Airstrike: Ground unit kills with aircraft earn 30% more XP. Would appear specifically for air cavalry speciality squads.

    • Gal Drop: 30% extra XP for kills following an air drop from a Galaxy or Valkyrie

    • Tank Support: Kills with armour earns 30% extra XP. Would appear specifically for armour specialised squads.

    • MAX Crash - 30% extra experience when in a squad with more than 40% MAX units for 1 minute.

  • Visible both on the map itself and on a list.

  • Only one mission can be accepted by any one squad at a time, and the squad leader can cancel mission orders whenever he sees fit.

  • A mission would be classed as a success if a certain amount of experience is earned in 10 minutes.

  • Squad Leaders can also request missions from their commanders.

  • Platoon leaders can override squad missions.

  • Missions have a 10 minute time limit and have their statistics tracked.

  • Squad missions would be displayed on every squad members HUD, but could be disabled.

Platoon Objectives able to be created. 250 certs perhaps.

  • Visible both on the map itself and on a list.

  • If the platoon completes the objective then it is cancelled from the Platoon Objective List automatically, and the commander that set the objective is informed.

  • Only one objective can be accepted by any one platoon at a time, and the platoon leader can cancel objective orders whenever he sees fit.

  • Platoon leaders can also request objectives.

  • Platoon objectives have an hour time limit and be rewarded with XP and their statistics tracked.

  • Platoon objectives would be displayed on every soldiers HUD (togglable).

  • There are only two possible platoon objectives:

    • Capture/Defend lattice lane - "strategic level" objective able to be set by platoon and company leaders. Platoon leaders would be able to accept this objective only rather than "smaller" ones.

Company Goals

eg holding a front or region of territories) - set by company leaders. These would span multiple lattice lanes to encourage company commanders to split their platoons and look at the big strategic picture.

I would also suggest Individual Missions, that are able to be automatically generated and accepted by any player. These are designed to cater for different play styles.

  • Extraction: If a player is on a death-streak a mission is generated to rescue that player from the situation they have stumbled into with experience bonuses provided when that player is helped in any way.

  • Assassin: If a player has an exceptionally high threat missions can be generated to give extra reward for killing them.