Outfit Progression - 2017


Outfits would be able to pick and choose perks which make them stand out from other outfits, help with recruitment and retention of members as well as give outfits goals to work towards.


Outfits would earn points based on the experience that its members earn, say one point per thousand experience points earned. These points could then be spent on various perks. Unlocks could be granted in a purely tree based form or in a series of unlock levels where a batch of upgrades become available when a certain amount of points are spent.

Note 1: It needs to be decided how the size of the outfit should impact the progression through this system. I would suggest that to stop larger outfits from accruing the points quickly with sheer weight of numbers, only experience earned when in an outfit run squad would count (potentially we could limit it further to only those squads where the cohesion is medium or high). Alternatively the total outfit points earned could be divided by the amount of players in the outfit, encouraging active rosters and supporting the smaller outfits that otherwise may take a long time to progress.

Note 2: It also needs to be decided if a single outfit should be able to unlock all options in the progression system, or if they should be limited to make each outfit pick a speciality. I would argue against a limit as many outfits cater for many different play styles. I would also argue that large outfits should be supported to organise themselves instead of being forced to make sub outfits to unlock all specialisms. If there is a limit then points must be able to be refunded if the outfit wants to change its specialism for whatever reason, although there should be a delay on them doing this for various reasons.

Proposed Unlocks

Level 1:

  • Recruitment List and choose specialism (infantry/armour/air/spec ops/combined arms) and classification (casual, competitive, elite).

Level 2:

  • Pick logo/Logo upload

  • Outfit Ranks: +1, +2, +3, +4, +5

Level 3: Uniform

  • Camo Bundle, Helmet, Armour

  • Access to outfit daily deals

Level 4:

  • Divisions: 2, 3, 4, 5

  • Choose division specialism

  • Alliances

Level 5:

  • Claim territory – home base that is always a spawn option when in friendly hands, outfit alerted when it is under threat.

  • Create outfit constructions

Specialisation Trees

These trees can be the focus of an entire outfit or as part of an outfit division for those particular members.

Mechanised Infantry

  • -33% cost of Sunderers and Harassers

  • Increased speed of Sunderers and Harassers

  • Able to squad spawn into Harassers

  • Increased radius of squad spawn into Sunderers and Harassers

  • Construction: Barracks (hard drop pod beacon and half price Sunderer/Harasser spawn when constructed)

Airborne Infantry

  • -33% cost of Galaxies and Valkyries

  • Increased speed of Galaxies and Valkyries

  • Increased radius of squad spawn into Galaxies and Valkyries

  • Construction: Landing pad (hard drop pod beacon and half price Galaxy/Valkyrie spawn when constructed)


  • -33% cost of MBTs and Lightnings

  • Increased speed of MBTs and Lightnings

  • Construction: Field garage (hard drop pod beacon and half price MBT/Lightning spawn when constructed)

Air Cavalry

  • -33% cost of ESFs and Liberators

  • Increased speed of ESFs and Liberators

  • Construction: Air pad (hard drop pod beacon and half price ESF/Liberator spawn when constructed)

Special Ops

  • Increased spawn beacon radius

  • Decreased spawn beacon timer

  • Longer infiltrator cloak duration

  • Construction: Enhanced Drop Pod Beacon (able to drop pod anywhere in that and adjacent territories when constructed)