Shrine of Pisces

The Shrine of Pisces is located in the corner of the eastern and northern walls of the temple, facing the eastern leg of the temple colonnade. The Mirrors or Windows of Eternity begin near the Shrine of Pisces. This part of the temple colonnade is sometimes referred to as "The Nave" because it contains the entry to the Main Sanctuary. Olivia writes that the zodiac shrines are corresponded to rites found in the FOI liturgy book "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess." The ritual "Mystical Awakening of Pisces and Cerridwen" from "Sophia" is associated with this shrine. The original dedication of this shrine was to Maria Sophia. Altars to Andromeda, Arianrhod and Derceto are situated near this shrine.

Shrine of Pisces with painting by Olivia of Scota and Her Cat.

Earlier version of Pisces altar, right. To the left is a window

shrine dedicated to Arianrhod.

The same window shrine, which has been recently changed.

It now honors "Morrigan of River and Grael"

Shrine of Pisces, left, Shrine of Andromeda, right.

The Shrine of Andromeda is situated at the end of

the eastern wall of the temple colonnade.

Detail of Shrine of Andromeda, right

A figure of the Goddess Tara is situated

on the altar of the Shrine of Pisces.

Right, an earlier version of the Shrine of Andromeda

A small shrine to the Godddess Derceto

located between the window shrine of Arianrhod, right,

and the Shrine of Aquarius to the left.

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(Photos supplied by Minette Quick. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)