Shrine of Dana

A set of wooden doors on the eastern wall of the Chapel of the Well provide entry into the Chapel of Ishtar, known as the Holy of Holies. This section of the Temple of Isis is dedicated to the element of Aether. The Shrine of Dana is located on the eastern wall of the Chapel of Ishtar. "The Rite of Dana. Druid Initiation" is corresponded to the Shrine of Dana.

Detail of Shrine of Dana, painting titled "Aisling" by Olivia Robertson

Close up of painting of Dana by Olivia Robertson

Detail of painting of Dana by candle light

Photos, above and below: Olivia holding the crystal ball from the Shrine of Ishtar

facing the Shrine of Dana

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(Photos supplied by Minette Quick, C. Collins and Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)