Shrine of Aquarius

The Shrine of Aquarius is located on the northern wall of the Main Sanctuary near the Windows of Eternity (also known as the Mirrors of Eternity). This section of the Temple of Isis is dedicated to Isis of Ten Thousand Names, Goddess of the Aquarian Age. Olivia writes that the zodiac shrines are corresponded to rites found in the FOI liturgy book "Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess." The Shrine of Aquarius is dedicated to Amaterasu, Uzumi, Kwan Yin and the five manifestations of the Goddess Tara (Green, Blue, Yellow, Red and White). The ritual "Mystical Awakening of Aquarius and Juno" from "Sophia" is associated with this shrine.

Shrine of Aquarius. The wooden frieze was carved by

William Morris

Another view of the Shrine of Aquarius, taken from the

between the pillars that mark the entry into the Main Sanctuary.

The Shrine of Aquarius is situated between

the Windows of Eternity on the northern wall of

the Main Sanctuary of the Temple of Isis.

Detail of a window shrine in one of the Windows of Eternity

situated between the Shrine of Aquarius and the Shrine of Pisces.

An older photo which shows the Shrine of Aquarius to the left

and the Shrine of Pisces to the right. This photo was taken

while standing between the two pillars that form the entry to the Main Sanctuary.

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(Photos supplied by Minette Quick and Olivia Robertson. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)