Olivia's Studio and Drawing Room

Olivia has her own suite of rooms with the castle. She has graciously asked that these images be share with you, to give a glimpse of her private space, where she writes, sometimes receives visitors and paints. Like many of us, she has personal altars in her living space some of which are featured here.

Olivia in her study

Shelves storing her personal library of tapes and books

Olivia seated with tea kettle!

A copy of Isian News (Issue 140, Beltane 2011) rests on a table.

The cover art by Olivia is titled "Mago as Circling Comet"

Winged Isis with candles and art by Olivia

Mirror shrine in Olivia's study

Detail, Isis statue

Fireplace and mantle turned into an altar

Altar, detail, painting of Isis by Judith Page

This painting graced the cover of the Neptune Press

edition of "The Call of Isis"

Altar, detail, Winged Isis

Antique Velvet Piano Shawl

Painting on cloth by Olivia "Brigid of Joy"

Olivia's desk, with a copy of her spiritual autobiography "The Call of Isis"

on a stack of books, a copy of Isian News, Issue no. 140, Beltane, 2011, with her artwork

titled "Mago as Circling Comet" on the cover.

This is where she writes her letters to members all over the world.

Olivia's drawing room and desk

Olivia in her studio reading the FOI Liturgy Book "Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess".

This was a copy of the Neptune Press edition, published in 1996.

Olivia in her study standing next to an

antique bowl, where, she says, she keeps her mail

until she has time to send replies.

Olivia's table and kitchen

"Timmy" which Olivia has owned since she was one year old.

Olivia holding her illustration for the article "Donkeys of the Zodiac"

Olivia painting!

Olivia reading "Isis and Osiris" by Plutarch

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(Photos supplied by Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality, Caroline Wise, Minette Quick, David deRoeck and deTraci Regula. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)