Old Abbey - Dana Temple

View of Front of Castle and Old Abbey in spring

Front view of Old Abbey, also known as the Dana Temple. Lawrence and Olivia used to perform

Druidic rituals here with Ross Nichols, founder of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids in the early 1960s

Entrance to the Old Abbey seen from the side

Old Abbey entrance - with cat!

Interior, showing the empty arch of a former window and the altar

Closer view of the altar

A cistern catches rain water used in healing ceremonies,

an Isis Plaque is set into a stone wall of the Old Abbey

Close up of the Isis Plaque

Isis Plaque after it was painted by Olivia Robertson

Olivia invoking at the altar

Picture taken by an intrepid photographer from the heights

some years ago while Olivia led a ritual in the Old Abbey

Olivia in Old Abbey

Olivia and Ritual Participants at the end of the rite

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(Photos supplied by Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality, Caroline Wise, P. McCarthy, D. Pierce, Renee Lundy and Olivia Robertson. All photos used by permission. Please do not reproduce.)